Karma test


New Member
I'm sleep deprived at the moment but for the life of me I can't find a Karma button ,I know they disappear on older threads so this new thread is to see if it'lll reappear on a new one.
This itty bitty thing:

he knows what the button looks like guys...he's used it.

maybe you're in a time warp AB...and you actually posted this thread 6 months ago? :tardbang:
Leslie said:
he knows what the button looks like guys...he's used it.

maybe you're in a time warp AB...and you actually posted this thread 6 months ago? :tardbang:

Like I said I was extremely tired ,still am,I've been working 10 a.m. to 6:30 at Costco and the going to my other job (cleaning contract) .I'm absolutrely about fried ,left my cellphone on the llunchroom table Friday(it was turned in ) lost my truck keys Saturday(also turned in).Glad I work with a bunch of great people who are trustworthy {wipes brow}

Looking at the
it still doesn't ring a bell as being the Karma button,looks more of a shout or quick reply,FUCK I'm losing it.Thank god its my last day this week and I have two days off.
*hands A.B. a gallon of coffee*

*thinks about it*

*takes the coffee from AB and gives him a gallon of beer*

Drink that dude.......it'll make these lil' complications seem much simpler ;)