Kerry's SWAT Team to Hijack Election Results.

Kerry maps postelection plan
Seeks to avoid Gore's mistakes from 2000 vote

WASHINGTON -- Senator John F. Kerry, bracing for a potential fight over election results, will not hesitate to declare victory Nov. 2 and defend it, advisers say. He also will be prepared to name a national security team before knowing whether he has secured the presidency.

Six so-called "SWAT teams" of lawyers and political operatives will be situated around the country with fueled-up jets awaiting Kerry's orders to speed to a battleground state. The teams have been told to be ready to fly on the evening of the election to begin mounting legal and political fights. Every battleground state will have a SWAT team within an hour of its borders.

The Kerry campaign has recount office space in every battleground state, with plans so detailed that they include the number of staplers and coffee machines needed to mount legal challenges.

"Right now, we have 10,000 lawyers out in the battleground states on Election Day, and that number is growing by the day," said Michael Whouley, a Kerry confidant who is running election operations at the Democratic National Committee.

While the lawyers litigate, political operatives will try to shape public perception. Their goal would be to convince voters that Kerry has the best claim to the presidency and that Republicans are trying to steal it.

Pathetic whiney liberals. They are becoming unglued. They are starting to foam at the mouth. This won't help their image in the voter's eyes.

They're desperate to regain POWER.

The fact that it's planned in advance of the election-- they know that Kerry is going to lose but they are willing to take it to the courts--dammit--to get a democrat back in office. The DNC hopes that their hired sleazeball ambulance chasers can wave their magic wands and create a win for loser Kerry. If not, Kerry and his security team are prepared to overthrow the government and seize CONTROL.
It's nothing more than a pre-emptive declaration of "we don't care how it turns out, we deserve it"

WASHINGTON -- Senator John F. Kerry, bracing for a potential fight over election results, will not hesitate to declare victory Nov. 2 and defend it, advisers say. He also will be prepared to name a national security team before knowing whether he has secured the presidency.
Declaring himself the victor no matter what happens. Isn't that a little like a coup?
I would think it a tantrum if it were a five guys in a barbershop trying to take a city council seat, but this is for POTUS.

The tactics are dispicable and there seems to be no boundries of what they will do to win.

. . . you are watching American social/polical morality swirl in the bowl, and Kerry is the plunger forcing it.
MrBishop said:
Or maybe just a fear of what happened last time, eh?

You mean when Bush won Florida & Al Gore, in a state of panic, filed a lawsuit, then the Florida Supreme Court tries to rewrite current election law & the US Supreme Court had to step in TWICE to put an end to that? (much like Richard Nixon could have done in 1960 but decided that would not be good for the country)
The Myth of the Stolen Election

The unspoken truth of the 2000 election dispute in Florida is always ignored by the left: Gore never led; not on election night, not after any statewide recount, not after adding the votes from county hand recounts, and not even in the exhaustive statewide post-election recounts conducted by the major state and national newspapers (in almost all of which Bush wound up ahead when any consistent method of counting was used.) Pick your method of counting chads, and it doesn’t matter. Bush won.

The left likes to say that the United States Supreme Court gave the election to Bush. They did no such thing. What they did was reverse the Florida Supreme Court’s effort to keep on counting until Gore won. The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Bush v Gore may not have been a model of jurisprudence, but the left also ignores the fact that the decision to over-rule the Florida Supreme Court was not a 5-4 decision dictated by the five conservative members of the Court, but a 7 to 2 decision. Even two liberals on the Court were offended by the machinations of the Florida court and its creation of a chaotic vote counting system for the “undervotes”.

One almost completely ignored story is the fact that when all the networks gave Florida to Gore soon after the polls closed in most of the state...But even more important is the fact that every major network began broadcasting the “fact” that the polls were closed statewide in Florida, when there was still an hour left to vote in its Central time zone counties.

Florida had a very close election for President in 2000. It was so close that it was almost a tie. But by every official count that was made at any time during the 37 day recount period, and using virtually every consistent method for counting “undervotes” that was considered after the election, Bush won Florida and the Presidency. I will say it again. Bush won Florida. He did not steal it.