Kerry's swift boat is


molṑn labé
Staff member
All the years of preparation. The setup stagings, the rich wives, the Senate Committee hearings, as a self-admonishing criminal & as a seldomly attending representative of the people of the Great Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Senator Kerry set himself up to be a veteran & a Democrat. The best of both worlds, especially now, as our nation faces an uncertain future...terrorism has moved to the US & is seeking a visa.

Mr Kerry, all that planning & conniving has paid off. You're the selected party member to be the Democrat Presidential contender. The nominee of the Donkey. Just as things were looking up along comes a few of your own war buddies. The guys that actually spent time with you. Hell, your own running mate, John Edwards said if we want to know what kind of leader you'll be, ask your war buddies. We didn't need to. They stepped to the plate. Of teh 23 or so guys in your unit, 2 are dead, 4 have chosen to stay out of it & the rest, save 2, have said you are unfit. They call you a wreckless fool.

Worse, they call you a liar. As it so happens you may have sunk your own boat.

Kerry, who served as commander of a Navy swift boat, has insisted he was wounded by enemy fire Dec. 2, 1968, when he and two other men took a smaller vessel, a Boston Whaler, on a patrol north of his base at Cam Ranh Bay.

"They pulled away from the pier at Cat Lo with spirits high, feeling satisfied with the way things were going for them. They had no lust for battle, but they also were were not afraid. Kerry wrote in his notebook, 'A cocky feeling of invincibility accompanied us up the Long Tau shipping channel because we hadn't been shot at yet, and Americans at war who haven't been shot at are allowed to be cocky.'"

While the date of the four-day excursion on PCF-44 [Patrol Craft Fast] is not specified, Brinkley notes it commenced when Kerry "had just turned 25, on Dec. 11, 1968," which was nine days after the incident in which he claimed he had been wounded by enemy fire.

interesting thing is that the most important criteria of your possible-new-president is in his 'achievements' during the vietnam war.

yes. that's definately VERY important if you want to govern the most powerful country in the world. yes, that's what politics is all about...
maybe he lied. maybe he didn't. same goes for bush.

america keeps surprising me; every 4 years you think they can't make a bigger ass out of themselves during election time. but every time they succeed in doing so: spending more money, bashing on your counterpart, using irrelevant arguements (the worse, the better of course)

it's a farce and a disgrace for a nation like yours.
Shadowfax said:
interesting thing is that the most important criteria of your possible-new-president is in his 'achievements' during the vietnam war.

yes. that's definately VERY important if you want to govern the most powerful country in the world. yes, that's what politics is all about...
maybe he lied. maybe he didn't. same goes for bush.

america keeps surprising me; every 4 years you think they can't make a bigger ass out of themselves during election time. but every time they succeed in doing so: spending more money, bashing on your counterpart, using irrelevant arguements (the worse, the better of course)

it's a farce and a disgrace for a nation like yours.
It's hard to disagree with any of that.
Shadowfax said:
interesting thing is that the most important criteria of your possible-new-president is in his 'achievements' during the vietnam war.

yes. that's definately VERY important if you want to govern the most powerful country in the world. yes, that's what politics is all about...
maybe he lied. maybe he didn't. same goes for bush.

We keep trying to get answers on current topics but he says they're private & he won't reveal them until he wins. His 20 year Senate voting record must be off limits because he won't disuss how it's similar to a rubber ball. He & his running mate are the ones using 35 year old data as his ticket in. :shrug:

GW released his military records, we're still awaiting Kerry's. We're also still awaiting Kerry's tax records.

Not that it matters, I'm voting for the non-waffling, proven economically advantageous & national security focused Bush.
I wonder what Kerry was thinking when he chose to base his entire campaign on his 4-month service in Viet Nam? All these men who have seen the real Kerry are speaking out against him, and he has done nothing to shoot down what they say, only to try to silence them. All he would have to do is release his service records and solve the questions once and for all. But everyone knows he would only do that if they protrayed him in a positive light. When the President's military service was at issue the libs had a feeding frenzy, but now Kerry is whining for Bush to condem the SBV ads, saying they're a front for Bush. Will Kerry ever get a fucking grip on reality?
In newspaper interviews and a best-selling book, Larry Thurlow, who commanded a Navy Swift boat alongside Kerry in Vietnam, has strongly disputed Kerry's claim that the Massachusetts Democrat's boat came under fire during a mission in Viet Cong-controlled territory on March 13, 1969. Kerry won a Bronze Star for his actions that day.

But Thurlow's military records, portions of which were released yesterday to The Washington Post under the Freedom of Information Act, contain several references to "enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire" directed at "all units" of the five-boat flotilla. Thurlow won his own Bronze Star that day, and the citation praises him for providing assistance to a damaged Swift boat "despite enemy bullets flying about him."

Its from a washington post article ,so unless your registered ,my posting a link to them is pointless . :rolleyes: and if you are registered with them you've probably already seen the article. :shrug:

And before Gato jumps in and says "how convenient" again,I can assure all of you I have much better things to do than plot against you.The fact of the matter is I read that yesterday and didn't think much of it 'til I read this post.
everything is being thrown but the kitchen sink. well, actually every position but the one that disproves.

FEC should pull swiftboatveterans ads.

Publsiher should withdraw book.

Washington Post It's all Bush's fault

NY TimesBush sux

Even Salon calls it a hoax.

Somewhere in this very forum is a story about Kerry's lawyers attempting to scare television stations with lawsuits.

If he's fit to lead the strongest military in the world why can't he stop a few old codger vets from disparaging him...unless it's true.
He blames all this on Bush & uses GW's refusal to squelch free speech as decisive evidence.

If Bush agreed to denounce UnFit for Command, would Kerry denounce Faranheit 911?

Just another in a long line of Democrats doing what they blame conservatives for...taking away rights & acting bigoted.
Waa, waa, waa :crying4:

Methinks he protesteth too much about the Swifties. I mean, c'mon--he was in Viet Nam, for chrissakes! Doesn't he have any backbone? (Sob-sniff-they're being mean to me--make them stop--sob-sniff-snort--Tereza, can't you tell them to 'Shove it' for me?--sob-sob). :crying5: :crying6:

'Senate Page Veterans for Truth' Launch Anti-Kerry Ads
(2004-08-20) -- While his battle against his former swift boat comrades raged on, Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry learned today he will have to fight a two-front political war as yet another anti-Kerry group prepared to release a book and TV ads to challenge the candidate's version of events in his life.

'Senate Page Veterans for Truth' (SPVT), a coalition of 254 people who used to carry messages around the Senate floor, announced the publication of Empty Desk: The Senate Career of John F. Kerry.

"We're not accusing Kerry of lying or being a bad leader or even dramatizing injuries," said an unnamed spokesman for SPVT. "We're saying, 'We couldn't deliver messages to him, because he wasn't really there.' It was Christmas in Cambodia all over again."

The Kerry campaign immediately filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission and to block the ads and the book.

"My time at that senate desk is seared....seared in my memory, and on my dorsal regions," said Mr. Kerry. "This is clearly part of George Bush's plot to suggest that I wasn't really a senator, just because I have no major legislative accomplishments. Well, at least I was elected a U.S. Senator--which is more than Mr. Bush can say."
Kerry is a self-righteous, self-serving, duplicitous, lying hypocrite who will do anything, say anything, and take any position on any issue to try to get elected. But wrapping himself in the American flag and ignoring the fact that when he came home from Viet Nam he joined the anti-war side, and forgetting that there are witnesses who disprove his inflated accounts of his service has been his undoing. Stick a fork in him.

Sunday, Aug. 22, 2004
O'Neill Dares Kerry: 'Sue Me'

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth spokesman John O'Neill dared Sen. John Kerry on Sunday to sue him for libel if, as Kerry's presidential campaign maintains, key claims in O'Neill's book "Unfit for Command" are not true.

"I invite him to sue me for libel," O'Neill, who co-authored the overnight best seller with Jerome Corsi, told WABC Radio's Monica Crowley.

"If he was actually in Cambodia on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, he should sue me. If, in fact, those other five [Swift] Boats, on March the 13, [1969], if they all fled like he did, instead of staying like he knows they did, he should sue me."

O'Neill continued, "If he didn't wound himself with a grenade, causing sort of a rice-fanny wound, and then reported it to the Navy as a water mine - if he didn't do that on March 13, he should sue me."

O'Neill issued the challenge after noting that Kerry's campaign has gone to extraordinary lengths to suppress the information in "Unfit for Command."

"On our first [Swiftvet] ad, he had two huge law firms send letters to every [TV] station, threatening to sue the stations themselves" if they ran the ad, the former Swift Boat commander told Crowley.

"The next thing he did was challenge the book's publisher, Regnery, indicating he would sue them if they continued printing the book," he added.

The best-selling author said that while Regnery declined to stop printing "Unfit," it offered to republish Kerry's 1971 book, "The New Soldier," which chronicles the top Democrat's anti-war protests with a group bankrolled by Jane Fonda.

Kerry has declined to have "The New Soldier" republished over the years and reportedly bought up most of the available copies in 1972, after his opponent in a congressional race used it to paint him as anti-American.
This is quite telling isn't it
Kerry has declined to have "The New Soldier" republished over the years and reportedly bought up most of the available copies in 1972, after his opponent in a congressional race used it to paint him as anti-American.

Retired Rear Adm. William L. Schachte Jr. has come forward to dispute John Kerry's contention that his first Purple Heart resulted from enemy fire.

Schachte, who spoke to columnist Robert Novak, says he was in command of the small boat, a "skimmer," when the incident occurred on Kerry's first combat mission.

Kerry defender Lanny Davis has used the versions of Patrick Runyon and William Zaladonis, who say they didn't know Schachte, to argue "Unfit for Command," the best-seller by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, is not credible.

But Schachte told Novak: "I was absolutely in the skimmer," code-named "Batman," in the early morning on Dec. 2, 1968, when Kerry was involved in the incident that led to the first Purple Heart.

"Kerry nicked himself with a M-79 [grenade launcher]," Schachte told the columnist in a telephone interview from his home in Charleston, S.C.

In his journal, quoted by "Tour of Duty" author Douglas Brinkley, Kerry said the incident took place near "the shore off a Viet Cong-infested peninsula north of Cam Ranh."

Kerry wrote he and his comrades were "scared s---less" that night, thinking fishermen in sampans might be Viet Cong.

When some of the sampan occupants began unloading something on the beach, Kerry lit a flare, causing the startled men on shore to run for cover. That's when Kerry says he and the other Americans began firing.

My M-16 jammed, and as I bent down in the boat to grab another gun, a stinging piece of heat socked into my arm and just seemed to burn like hell. By this time one of the sailors had started the engine and we ran by the beach, strafing it. Then it was quiet.
Schachte said he was "astonished" by Kerry's version of the Dec. 2 event in "Tour of Duty."

He told Novak it "was not possible" for Kerry to have gone out alone so soon after joining the swiftboat command in late November 1968.

Two other former officers contacted by Novak confirmed that Schachte was always aboard the skimmer, a Boston Whaler, for these missions, designed by Schachte himself to flush out enemy forces on the banks of the Mekong River so the larger swiftboats could move in.

Lt. Cmdr. Grant Hibbard, Schachte's superior officer at the time, told Novak, "I don't think [Kerry] was alone" on his first assignment.

Hibbard told Kerry to "forget it" when he asked for a Purple Heart.


dumb Republicans. They get blamed for everythign the dems do & don't fight back.

Kerry said, "I remember well April 1968, I was serving in Vietnam, a place of violence," Kerry told the assembled, according to a report by Fox News Channel's Brit Hume. "When the news reports brought home to me and my crewmates the violence back home and the tragic news that one of the bullets flying that terrible spring took the life of Dr. King."

The date of King's assassination was April 4, 1968. However, Kerry was not yet serving in Vietnam, but aboard the Navy frigate USS Gridley. According to Kerry's campaign website it was not until Nov. 17, 1968, that he reported for duty in Vietnam.