Kill that drummer boy


Well-Known Member
What's you favorite christmas song? Most hated?

My personal fav is White Christmas by Bing Crosby. It's not Christmas until I've heard it. But I despise that goldurn drummer boy and his effin rat-ta-ta-tat.

How 'bout you?
On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me ...

By the time the 12th day rolls around, aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! :grumpy: Bah, humbug.
Best: Spoof version of "The 12 days of christmas" :lol: :D

Worst: Silent Night... ARGH!! SHUDDUP ALREADY AND MAKE IT SILENT (Bha Humbug ;) )
fav: jingle bell rock (the original version by bobby helms, he is my cousin.)

non fav: forget the name but the song by bing crosby and david bowie. ARGH.....
I just hate them all, especially the canned crap in the stores!:mad:

Every year it's the same... more syrupy drivel that no-one in their right mind would listen to is rolled out for the masses. Urgh!
I LOVE Christmas music. Overall favorite album is definitely A Charlie Brown Christmas by the Vince Guaraldi Trio. Favorite song right now is a tie between Mel Torme's version of The Christmas Song and Eartha Kit doing Santa, Baby. Gawd, she has a sexy voice.

My least favorite... Well, just about any Christmas song can be made insipid by a bad rendition. The religious ones seem to fall victim to that scourge most often. The Little Drummer Boy is a case in point. I can't stand Bing Crosby's version of it, but there is at least one version of it that I like, so I wouldn't count it as my least favorite. I think my least favorite would probably be Joy to the World. It's just too bombastic. The last thing it could inspire in me is joy. It sounds kind of like, "God's here!! God's here!! Everybody smile, and act like you're having a good time!!"
i hate christmas songs. maybe one or two i like a bit, the rest is fubar.
i fairly enjoy listening to the southpark christmas cd though, gives a nice different look on the season...
Grrrrrrrrrrrr.... :grumpy:

The Ghost of Christmas Present needs to visit all you Scrooges on Christmas Eve and give you a good, hard humbuggering to teach you the joy of Christmas.

Ardsgaine said:
Grrrrrrrrrrrr.... :grumpy:

The Ghost of Christmas Present needs to visit all you Scrooges on Christmas Eve and give you a good, hard humbuggering to teach you the joy of Christmas.


Bah, humbug! :p :)