Killing children...

[google]16" cock[/google] really has no proper place for a teenager :shrug:
"I am going to keep you from finding out stuff in the werld,
instead of explaining it to you, so you can deal with it"

That type of parenting never werks
but you keep on wid dat.

Keeping a kid off Myspace when she posts photos of herself, gives out her name, personal info, and everything short of directions to the house works for us. If you don't concur, then you don't concur and I'll lose precisely two seconds sleep over it.
Keeping your kid offa Myspace
don't correct the underlying issue of why on fricken earth
she wouldn't comprehend why such actions would be wrong

I bet you think she shouldn't DO drugs therefore shouldn't KNOW anything about them?

Same goes for driving a car, pr0n, firearms, boys, sex
and anything else you as a parent are responsible for teaching your kid.

As for your sleeping habits, I know you as a sick boy need your rest
and am so concerned that you get the rest you need!
And where pray tell did you get the notion that she hasn't been warned about things? You raised a kid, you know the shit they pull. Just so you can rest your tired bones, I assure you she has been counselled on things you would never think of, given my line of work and what I see there. Sometimes, they just have to push the limits and find out for themselves. She did, and she did. Comes a time to back up your words with actions.

Seriously, stay in out of the sun tomorrow. It's getting to you.
Sorry I made a mistake, I apologize, I fergot yer in Tennessee er sumthin'.
I just remember my brat having unrestricted broadband internet access from fifth grade on
dem private schools demanded the kid have i-net access
he did end up a teacher @ 18 makin' 18 bucks an hour
(a job he still has) sez he'll prolly damn near ace the L-SATs
But to each his own children
I will admit if he had been a she I'da had tah
done thing differently fo sho Chastity belts anyone?

So when (if) she comes home drunk of her ass are you gonna rail on her
or teach her how to ralph and what to eat and drink to avoid a hangover?

By the time my kid got to college (checked in the dorm on his 18th b-day)
he ended up having to play nurse maid to all the kids that acted like they were
in high school but FINALLY could do all the things Mommy and Daddy
would try to get em to not do before.

Best they learn to do the adult stuff with rather than without adult
So when (if) she comes home drunk of her ass are you gonna rail on her or teach her how to ralph and what to eat and drink to avoid a hangover?

get her (in my case him) up at the crack of dawn & make him do every dirty stinking job I can think of. Puking? You're stupid. Hungover? Tough shit. You bring it on, you pay the piper.
he kids here won't come home drunk more than once, maybe twice, then
they won't have This home to come live.

Unless I start again, and then I won't have to worry about it, 'cause I won't
live for more than a month.:shrug:

alcohol, and my genes don't mix well.
Personally I'd rather have a kid that knows that if he does mess up, he can always come home and we'll deal with it, rather than knowing that if he does mess up, he needs to cover it up...
I never said about second chances.
If the kid comes back sober, and wants to try to do right, that's different.

In my case, it's a thin line, and I can't sum up all the doos and don'ts on
the subject in just a few minutes, but key wordings are..
in the house, live, actively......
oh BTW, the other keyword in mentioned in the earlier post is gene.

There's a somewhat ugly picture in my family line, and I understand, and
have friends that drink regularly. We can't do it Regular.

Just a fact of life, that I had to learn the hard way.
All people are Not the same in this area.
The only thing that my kid can't come home after, is stuff that'll land him in jail.
But then he already has a roof over his head.. :lloyd:

CC: I get the gene part, we have the odd bad batch too (a bit o' this and a bit o' that). But, the alternative to not coming home intoxicated is.. what? Sleeping it off under a bridge? I'd rather have a kid come home drunk than never be able to come home at all, even if "home" is reduced to an old mattress in the shed or something for that night.
That was/is exactly my moms argument.
I'm Not going to have "any more" violence in my house.
I don't like living in fear, so the demeanor of a situation would also
play a part in the decision making at that time.

EDIT: seems men and women view it somewhat differently.
What gives? Have we all gone mad, or this is just being over-reported?

Isn't the saying if it bleeds it leads? Not sure over reported, but I see an emphasis on bad news in most outlets :/
That was/is exactly my moms argument.
I'm Not going to have "any more" violence in my house.
I don't like living in fear, so the demeanor of a situation would also
play a part in the decision making at that time.

EDIT: seems men and women view it somewhat differently.

Goes without saying that situations must be considered individually in the end, up until now there was no mention of drinking combined with violence.