Kinda like the clap

'y'know.. a lousy .15 bullet twixt the eyes would solve this little problem,' he grumbled under his breath in a very unamerican way.
SouthernN'Proud said:
My bad. No offense intended to any freaks amongst us. It was the least offensive tag I could think of for the harpy.
How about whiny, self-serving, idealistic harpy that is making a mockery of her son's sacrifice to the nation and our freedom? I think that about sums it up.
I think you're overlooking something here. While I agree that whatever shred of dignity her bitterness didn't destroy was eliminated by her need to hold onto her 15 minutes, she's still an American who made a sacrifice most of us cannot fathom.

I'm not at all sure that any set of rules of decorum trump free speech rights. In any case, this sure as hell could've been handled better than it was.
HomeLAN said:
I think you're overlooking something here. While I agree that whatever shred of dignity her bitterness didn't destroy was eliminated by her need to hold onto her 15 minutes, she's still an American who made a sacrifice most of us cannot fathom.

I'm not at all sure that any set of rules of decorum trump free speech rights. In any case, this sure as hell could've been handled better than it was.

Maybe it's just my foreigner outlook, but I don't see it as she made a sacrifice. Her son did. And she's belittling that sacrifice by ignoring the fact that her son chose to do what he did.
I'm not belittling her loss, I can't imagine how painful that was for her...but the point is is that her adult son signed willingly into the military to serve his country and our freedom. I daresay he knew the risks involved, I daresay she knew the risks when he told her he did it. How does she expect to have the freedoms that she has without patriotic young men and women laying their lives on the line to protect it. If I was still in the military and was killed in the line of duty I would haunt my mother until the day that she died for behaving in this manner.
I don't disagree, folks, but she still has the right to hold and voice her opinion. The lynch-mob mentality you guys are displaying is part of what her son fought against. Yeah, she's belittling a lot of the very same system that allows her to do so - but it does allow her to do so.

Oh, and Prof - losing your son in a war sure as hell qualifies as a sacrifice in my world, whether he volunteered or not. Not as large as his, certainly, but you surely gave a lot to your country.
Gonz? You're already married ;)

Steve? I know what you mean :)...but I don't really wanna lynch her, I just want her to shut up...but I suppose she does have the right to be as irritating as she wants to be.
This woman is certifiably nuts. She went off the deep end. I'm sorry for her loss & I do believe that she sacrificed...however, when her family has abandoned her & she's saying that Feinstein is not far enough left & that Bush is worse than saddam...she needs professional help. Of course, the crowd she's running with will use her up & leave her adrift & alone after her usefulnesss is done (notice how quiet it's been the last 6 months...she's not gone anywhere)
The under-reported side of the story is that a Congressman's wife was also barred from entering because she was wearing a sweatshirt endorsing supporting our troops. Just not as tasty a news nugget as the whining harpy I s'pose.

She has a right to voice her opinion. I have a right to not agree with her opinion. She has a right to not like me. I have a right to fantasize about her being buried to the neck in elephant feces. It's all good.

She has sacrificed no more, or no less, than thousands of others. They seem to understand how it works. She chose to publicly demand a SECOND meeting with our president. She's the only one I've noticed doing that. She made herself a public figure/target. Now she gets to deal with the consequences of that choice. I harbor zero pity for her.
I agree with most of what you say. However, when your response to someone exercising their right to free speech is "Off with her head", you're approaching a line I with which I want nothing to do.

BTW, the police publicly apologized to both Sheehan and the politician's wife. Someone on the force must've brushed up on Constitutional law.
I'm all for free speech, but I believe she, and the congress people that gave her the ticket should be charged with conspiracy.
Free speech is one thing. Making a nuisance of oneself is another. The State Of The Union address is neither the time nor the place for her. It serves a specific function. Her agenda is not the specific function. She should respect that as much as she expects her rights to be respected. When she fails to do so, she infringes. Ergo, off with her head. Figuratively of course. Unless she keeps it up.
yeah, the whole "traitor" thing is taken too lightly anymore.
I remember it use to be a firing squad offense....everytime.

I don't think we should have to walk on pin and needles to voice our opinion though.

She simply should not have been in there to start with. Then just removed, not arrested.
How the hell did she get in there with a banner?
The shirt I see as a non issue mostly...just remove her...
But there's too many people working together on this kinda stuff... That should
be squashed.
HomeLAN said:
Someone on the force must've brushed up on Constitutional law.

There is clear & absolute rules in both Houses...decorum must preside otherwise free speech is a shouting match. I think they both should have been removed...a "bumper sticker" is not appropriate in the Senate Chambers during a national speech. Next year, somebody will try to roll out a GO STEELERS! banner.
Hmm, house decorum rules vs. freedom guaranteed by the bill of rights. You telling me you actually put a higher emphasis on the former?