Kinda like the clap

Free speech is a limited right. See your neighborhood crowded theatre for example.

She can have her agenda, but she does not have the right to speak whenever and where ever she pleases. I can't go into a court room and begin a monologue on States' rights. You can't interrupt a funeral service with an announcement about a yard sale. And she can't interrupt the State Of The Union address to whine.
And you have no proof that she intended to do so.

Look, you guys don't agree, that's fine, but I think your priorities are off on this one. :shrug:
HomeLAN said:
Hmm, house decorum rules vs. freedom guaranteed by the bill of rights. You telling me you actually put a higher emphasis on the former?

Not everybody is allowed into the Halls of Congress. Yes, there are rules...inside the building (start yelling about abortion INSIDE a library & see what happens).

Had they arrested her off the streets for wearing an anti-Bush/war T-shirt, then there's be a case. Had they not also removed the Congressmans wife, then she'd have a beef. The rules for entering & witnessing your gov't in action are quite stringent. Otherwise, what happens on Pennsylvania Ave would happen inside the House.
tonksy said:
I'm not belittling her loss, I can't imagine how painful that was for her...but the point is is that her adult son signed willingly into the military to serve his country and our freedom. I daresay he knew the risks involved, I daresay she knew the risks when he told her he did it. How does she expect to have the freedoms that she has without patriotic young men and women laying their lives on the line to protect it. If I was still in the military and was killed in the line of duty I would haunt my mother until the day that she died for behaving in this manner.
Her son enlisted in May 2000 trusting that his services would be used to protect our freedoms. A few years later his country betrayed him and instead of protecting our freedoms his life was thrown away for a corrupt political agenda.

It may have been naive but he didn't consider that risk. He knew the war was wrong and didn't support Bush. I'm sure he is proud of his mother taking a stand.
flavio said:
A few years later his country betrayed him and instead of protecting our freedoms his life was thrown away for a corrupt political agenda.

Pay attention. He re-upped to specifically, go back to Iraq.

She is a shrill anti-war shrew using her sons name in vain to gain political favor.

[edit]Not my original source but one that few of us will contest
In May 2000 Sheehan enlisted in the United States Army hoping to become a chaplain's assistant but was trained as a mechanic instead. Near the end of his tour of duty, the US invasion of Iraq began. Sheehan re-enlisted, knowing that his unit would be sent to Iraq. Sheehan's division, the First Cavalry Division, was sent to Iraq. On March 19, 2004 Sheehan's company, Charlie Battery, arrived at FOB War Eagle in Sadr City. Just a few weeks later, on April 4, 2004 Sheehan was killed in action after volunteering as part of a Quick Reaction Force to rescue American troops.
HomeLAN said:
And you have no proof that she intended to do so.

Look, you guys don't agree, that's fine, but I think your priorities are off on this one. :shrug:

Could be.

I have no concrete proof what she intended to do that evening. What I do have is her past record for attention seeking, and the assurance that one of the best indicators for future behavior is past behavior. I don't think she intended to conduct herself like every other attendee, and her attire is circumstantial evidence that this notion is correct. To me, that amounts to more proof of intent to stir shit than anyone has proof that she intended to mind her Ps and Qs.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I have no concrete proof what she intended to do that evening.

Capitol Police said Sheehan wore a T-shirt with an anti-war slogan to the speech and covered it up until she took her seat. Officers warned that such displays were not allowed, but she did not respond, police said.

Baltimore Sun
flavio said:
Her son enlisted in May 2000 trusting that his services would be used to protect our freedoms. A few years later his country betrayed him and instead of protecting our freedoms his life was thrown away for a corrupt political agenda.

It may have been naive but he didn't consider that risk. He knew the war was wrong and didn't support Bush. I'm sure he is proud of his mother taking a stand.
Oh Bullshit. We were gearing up on training etc to enter the middle east when I was in and I got out in '99. He knew what he was doing. He swore an oath quite a few times to defend our country against all enemies, foreign or domestic - not just the ones he knew of.
flavio said:
Her son enlisted in May 2000 trusting that his services would be used to protect our freedoms. A few years later his country betrayed him and instead of protecting our freedoms his life was thrown away for a corrupt political agenda.

It may have been naive but he didn't consider that risk. He knew the war was wrong and didn't support Bush. I'm sure he is proud of his mother taking a stand.

I disagree. Even if he was against the war,I dont think he would want his name or his life to be used to further the agenda. There are better ways of speaking out against the war than using someone like that
I'm as sure as you are that he'd be completely disgusted by his mother's actions. She's doing a fine job of pissing on his memory.

My only point is that she has the right to do so.
HomeLAN said:
I'm as sure as you are that he'd be completely disgusted by his mother's actions. She's doing a fine job of pissing on his memory.

My only point is that she has the right to do so.

I dont disagree. First Amendment. But Flav said her son would be proud. I would doubt that. She is kind of using his name as her only means of dissupporting the war
his statement was easily most are.

Unc said:
Do you have one iota of evidence to back this up?

Well, yea, Dan Rather said it too.
Gonz said:
his statement was easily most are.
If most of my statements are easily disproven why don't you ever do it? Easily go back all the threads you've abandoned lately when your BS shot down.

His mother said that he thought the war was wrong and didn't support Bush. It doesn't change by him re-enlisting.

He had been in the service of others his whole life and really liked the military and had wanted to be a chaplain in the army. He went through combat lifesaver training so he could give IVs and treat trauma. He was also certified to assist giving communion to soldiers.

Another one of those people who support the military but not the war.

tonksy said:
He swore an oath quite a few times to defend our country against all enemies, foreign or domestic - not just the ones he knew of.
She has said if he had been able to defend our country against an enemy she wouldn't be so bitter. We needed no defense from Iraq.

How much can you care about protecting our freedoms when you joke about killing someone for using them?

Even if he was against the war,I dont think he would want his name or his life to be used to further the agenda.
Well, I guess we won't know for sure, buther sons life was stolen to further a corrupt agenda instead of protecting his country. Seems he would at least understand why she was pissed enough to try to keep it from happenng to other families.
flavio said:
She has said if he had been able to defend our country against an enemy she wouldn't be so bitter. We needed no defense from Iraq.

How much can you care about protecting our freedoms when you joke about killing someone for using them?
Because I have the freedom to do so. How much do I care? I served for 5 1/2 years in the United States Navy. What have you done?
If he had disagreed so much with the war and our president he wouldn't have reenlisted TO GO TO IRAQ.
tonksy said:
Because I have the freedom to do so. How much do I care? I served for 5 1/2 years in the United States Navy. What have you done?
You use your freedom to do so to discourage others from using their freedoms? Is that because your time in the Navy entitles you to extra freedom?

What have I done? I sure as hell haven't thought about shooting someone for being angry about their son dying for nothing.

If he had disagreed so much with the war and our president he wouldn't have reenlisted TO GO TO IRAQ.
My brother disagrees very much with the war in Iraq yet he enlisted in the in the national guard recently (with full knowledge that he could easily be sent there) because he has wanted to be in the military for years
flavio said:
You use your freedom to do so to discourage others from using their freedoms? Is that because your time in the Navy entitles you to extra freedom?

What have I done? I sure as hell haven't thought about shooting someone for being angry about their son dying for nothing.

My brother disagrees very much with the war in Iraq yet he enlisted in the in the national guard recently (with full knowledge that he could easily be sent there) because he has wanted to be in the military for years
So I suppose you are never flippant? You never joke? Or is it because it goes against your sensibilities? If you think I was seriously condoning shooting that woman then you have a screw loose.
I have no extra freedoms than anyone else. I just take offense at you presuming that I do not care about our freedoms when I put MY life on the line for them.
As for your brother, I commend him AND I bet that he understands that he could be killed, that he could be asked to sacrifice his life for our freedoms. Ask him if he wants your mother to belittle that sacrifice by carrying on as if she were the only one to lose a son or daughter. Ask him if he wants your mother to use his death as leverage for a political career.
flavio said:
You use your freedom to do so to discourage others from using their freedoms? Is that because your time in the Navy entitles you to extra freedom?

What have I done? I sure as hell haven't thought about shooting someone for being angry about their son dying for nothing.

My brother disagrees very much with the war in Iraq yet he enlisted in the in the national guard recently (with full knowledge that he could easily be sent there) because he has wanted to be in the military for years

Gwad I hate that word. Why does the world revolve about it? Question, Flav. Why does your brother want to be in the military?

Personally, I've always been of the opinion that someone who's served their country damn well should be entitled to more from it. When I look at how the VA and the Royal Legion are treated, it disgusts me.
tonksy said:
So I suppose you are never flippant? You never joke? Or is it because it goes against your sensibilities? If you think I was seriously condoning shooting that woman then you have a screw loose.
I have no extra freedoms than anyone else. I just take offense at you presuming that I do not care about our freedoms when I put MY life on the line for them.
As for your brother, I commend him AND I bet that he understands that he could be killed, that he could be asked to sacrifice his life for our freedoms. Ask him if he wants your mother to belittle that sacrifice by carrying on as if she were the only one to lose a son or daughter. Ask him if he wants your mother to use his death as leverage for a political career.

Ya know, the ignore list has a function in cases like this. I'd have never seen his drivel if you hadn't quoted it.