
Kitty On Crack

New Member
I know someone out there is talent enough to make a kitty smiley face....You have to be...well I guess not....

The goldfish have died and now the flying woodchucks will rule the world....long live the beaver dag....
You could always nab the one from MSN Messenger. :)

"The goldfish have died and now the flying woodchucks will rule the world....long live the beaver dag...."

Where can I get some of whatever it is you are doing? :circle:

MuFu. crack....and it is from my crack master....who will hopefully soon be joining this loving family...
man i really need to lay off the crack....loving? what am i on.... oh well
You sure do talk outta yer crack. :p

So you are 15, right? Do you object to us gawping at girls your age? ;)



cat.jpg, 2.19kb

Me 15? ha...never I grew up long ago...well not that long ago....but long enough...sure gawk at the girlies....they are all preps though and deserve to choke on thier hair spray (the ones you have up already that is) ....but objections...
oh oh want me to go kitty kung foo on your ass don't you...

I have the ancient art of kitty fu chung....also known as the ancient art of kitty kick ass and i will open the can and go cat fight on you....I AM THE ONLY CAT HERE WITH MEOWING PRIVLEDGES.....BREOW!!!!