''Knock, knock........Who's There??"

i am certain you can find something that meets your specs on the intarwebs. though even looking at such things could scar you morally. maybe winky would do some searching on your behalf, since he's already toast.
That socialist is on his way out
sadly his replacement isn't going to be one whit better :(
Let the race war begin
we brought them here in chains
we'll send them back the same way
gee winky you are A #1 hero for saying what others here are too afraid to. jim's currently looking for a normal rockwell-esque painting of you to hang above his fireplace. cerise is building, er, adding on to the shrine to you in her bathroom. and these folks are setting up a website to glorify your prophecies.

I guess I'd rather be a sheeple than an Obama 'goattale'.


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