Ku´u and Nan...In here...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Ku'u and Nan...In here...

In scholarly papers delivered at conferences in Japan and the United States in March and April, Japanese researchers from Okayama University and Japan's National Cancer Center announced that beer inhibited liver, prostate, colon and rectal cancers in rats by as much as 50 percent. Professor Sakae Arimoto said beer works on pre-cancers by controlling heterocyclic amines and that unlike other cancer-inhibiting foods (such as spinach and broccoli), only small amounts need be consumed to acquire the beneficial effects. [Japan Today, 4-17-02]

You have your chocomochawhateveryoucall it, all I have to keep me going is [the thought of drinking] beer ... P

ah, but deliscious and nutritious chocomochareastero is alcohol free. although it does contain dangerous levels of benzadrine. and traces of napalm. and a teansy smidge of arsenic :hairbang:
Hmm... if I stopped drinking beer now, I'd be good for another, hmm.. 10 or so years ... so, I should continue to make sure that it's all good for me at least until my 80's!

I knew it .. Beer .. does a body good :)
i don't know if it is good or bad, but i know that it tastes great.