Ku\´u Jr.


Well-Known Member
Ku\'u Jr.

Here's my brand-spanking-new niece ... her name is Keahiloa :)


Keahiloa4.jpg, 54.06kb

and here's one of dad and baby .. oh yeah .. and ku'u is in the background :D


KeahiloaandDad.jpg, 65.49kb

She's really cute.

Whenever you see kuu please tell her that i'm glad he finally "made it", and my lightnings will protect her daughter ;)

And welcome Keahiloa, she is a cutie... now get that girl a computer :)
Originally posted by unclehobart
my guess is : key yah hee low ah

very very close ... it's pronounced, as close to English as I can provide,

kay (without the emphasis on the "ay", it's a sharper "ay")-ah-hee-low (without the emphasis on the "ow" again) ah

literally it means, "the long fire" (keahi = fire, loa = long)
it's a name from her side of the family. they've yet to determine what name(s) to give her from our side of the family.
I spent time with ku'u and baby last night at the hospital (of course, it doesn't matter what her name is cause for the first 3 or 4 years of her life, she'll be called "baby" :D) ... and it hit me ... it's real ... ku'u, my best friend, is a mommy ... she is someone's mom. We got sorta emotional (she and I are like guys that way - we don't like to get emotional in front of each other unless we're angry and need to share it :D)

We had a baby shower for her last week and my sister wrote in her card "I can't believe the girl my dad used to make wear his motorcycle helmet when we partied because she always falls down is gonna be someone's MOM" :D

They're coming home today. I can't wait. The only thing is I have two sick children at home right next door (that's a story for another thread) so I'll have to put a protective bubble around ku'u's part of the duplex :D