Kyoto treaty?


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
We don't need no stinking Kyoto treaty!

Funny how the country most hated for not signing is the one actually researching how to make things better...
If theres a profit in making things better... by god, we'll do it!

nah there's not much money in the global warming thing.
Al, is only worth a little more than 100mil now.:elaugh2:

I just can't understand why there's as many people as there is, that can't see it's 'only' a money grab, and a really Big one apparently.
We don't need no stinking Kyoto treaty!

Funny how the country most hated for not signing is the one actually researching how to make things better...

If you look at the data, a lot of the countries with the fastest rising CO2 emissions are in fact some of those that signed the treaty. Interesting, huh?

I remain unconvinced, however, that CO2 is the most important factor (or even a very important one at all) in the changing climate.
Nooclear is a zero emission power source.
Ya don’t have to buy a carbon coupon to run it.
Open Yucca Mountain for gawd’s sake!
Nope. Must be you eating crow. BTW...Isn't Mexico City one of the most polluted cities in the world? :p

Didn't we have this conversation about MC before? To sum it up, the city has problems with airflow due to surrounding mountains and it is near a volcano that still has fumes.

Sure it pollutes great amounts, but I'm not saying that MC is THE one city trying to make things better either ;)
Nooclear is a zero emission power source.
Ya don’t have to buy a carbon coupon to run it.
Open Yucca Mountain for gawd’s sake!


[environmental movement whiner]But, but, but... we don't like nooclear. It says so here in the official handbook/manifesto.[/environmental movement whiner]
Funny. I'm probably the closest thing we have to an "enviro-nut". I despise the needless clear cutting of forests, and I firmly advocate for keeping public lands public and free no matter how much oil is under it. Leave the Alaskan wilderness be, get your damn road grader off my mountain, and all that. Yet I have zero problem with developing nuclear energy as an alternative to our growing dependence on imported oil. So I guess I'm not a full-fledged card carrying tree hugger just yet.
Funny. I'm probably the closest thing we have to an "enviro-nut". I despise the needless clear cutting of forests, and I firmly advocate for keeping public lands public and free no matter how much oil is under it. Leave the Alaskan wilderness be, get your damn road grader off my mountain, and all that. Yet I have zero problem with developing nuclear energy as an alternative to our growing dependence on imported oil. So I guess I'm not a full-fledged card carrying tree hugger just yet.

Right there with ya. 100%

You know, the nuclear industry has always been the environmental movement's whipping boy. For no good reason I've ever been able to discern.
I had the TV on sleep timer on Headline News last night when I was in bed... they were mentioning that the Live Earth concerts resulted in about 31,500 tons of carbon emissions. As part of the story, they had some guy on... I've forgotten which group he was with. But he talked about cars and coal-fired power plants being the worst source of greenhouse gases (the host tried to say it's actually animal emissions). So the host asked if he's in favor of nuclear power and he's not, not because of the hazardous waste but because of what terrorists could do to the plants. the host even mentioned that 80 percent of the electricity in France is nuclear. So the host then asked the guy what he was in favor of... I expected him to say something sensible like, say, solar and wind power. No. He said the best source of power is not using so much of it.
Jeez, if Glen Beck can make you look incompetent you're in pretty sad shape. He's far from the sharpest pencil in the box.
Jeez, if Glen Beck can make you look incompetent you're in pretty sad shape. He's far from the sharpest pencil in the box.

Not to mention he's a xenophobic racist. I listened to him once for about 30 minutes. I switched it off for good after the fourth "redneck trash" slam. He can rot in Hell with Sherman as far as I care.
because of what terrorists could do to the nooclear plants

funny thing about that is the terrs can't do
ANYTHING to a nuke plant
A: they are currently enrolled in nuke plant school
B:they can get enough armed dudes into one to
to take and hold it against the armed onslaught that would be mounted and
C: they were given hours and hours to finally disable and circumvent all the safety features necessary to cause even a moderate release of radioactive material.

Pleuase I'm growing weary of tree hugger dumbasses
I know many of the iron workers who built Palo Verde. I still trust it :D