Kyoto treaty?

funny thing about that is the terrs can't do
ANYTHING to a nuke plant
A: they are currently enrolled in nuke plant school
B:they can get enough armed dudes into one to
to take and hold it against the armed onslaught that would be mounted and
C: they were given hours and hours to finally disable and circumvent all the safety features necessary to cause even a moderate release of radioactive material.

Pleuase I'm growing weary of tree hugger dumbasses
Their efforts might be more efficient if they went after something that would have quick and long term results... like pop the Hoover Dam... or sever the water pipes that feed New York.

Strangely enough, I have been inside a nuke plant and left alone... without a security check. It was pre 9/11 though. It sure wouldn't have happend today. I sure as heck saw the dead serious and armed personel all over and enough cameras covering every square inch of the place to make me scared of so much as burping without setting off a chemical alarm.
inside a nuke plant and left alone...

That had to be a cool experience!

Funny but both the water pipes for NYC and the damn poppin'
would require more than a few guys and a ton of explosives.

Another good target might be path 46

and that gasoline pipeline here,
that sprung a leak from poor maintenance and caused immediate lines at the gas stations.

but the crude rude Hiroshima size nuke that would fit
in the back of a Ryder truck is still the odds on fav.

Thing is it would be the hardest of all, from many aspects.
My uncle was a high-up in a super level fire supression company. They did the simple water systems and extinguishers in homes and businesses like everyone else... but they also serviced diving equipment, oil rigs, and had the ability to make any form of supression and safety system... which is why they had the contract to do the halon, air isolation, and the umpteen hundred full body emergency suits of a nuke plant.

He gave me a company logo shirt and I rode all over southeastern ga doing a few small bids and extingusher deliveries... then we crested a hill in Baxley, GA and I saw the nuke plant. I was like 'holy hell... I didn't even know we had one outside of Savannah.' Getting in the gate still took the bomb mirrors, dogs, and metal detectors under the watchful eyes of thirty cameras... and that with my uncle being personally known by everyone in the facility for over a decade. He left me to unload a packed van while he went in a did a few required monthly checks on some sensor equipment. I was unloading onto a huge semi height dock that all packages went to until it was cleared by security. It reminded me of some of the reinforced submarine bays in WW2. The dock was an open pad at least half a football field in area and 10 ft thick of reinforced concrete... just in case a nutjob mailed in a boom-boom. Absolutely nothing would be compromised. I was left alone for 30 minutes and managed to glance over a few other boxes. Half were from colleges and military bases; the other half was an internal cryptic code... and everything bore a nuclear hazard sticker. I had so many cameras pointed at me that I felt like Paris on court day. I'm pretty sure that if I had picked my nose in an unpatriotic fashion that about a dozen SWAT boys would have up my ass in 10 seconds. Needless to say.. I minded my own business and kept my hands in my pockets while staying within 20 feet of the vehicle. That was back in like 97-98.
Well, since fusion reactions are a natural thing at the sun we might as well not pay attention to radioactive waste.
Nature, and mother Earth, will adapt. Neither are im a hurry & couldn't care less.