Labor Day plans?


Southern Discomfort
Insomnia sucks.

Who's got exciting plans for the holiday? I'm feeling fantastic physically (for a change), and despite no sleep tonight I'm gonna do something today.

I imagine it would take an act of Congress to get anywhere near a fishin hole what with most folks off work and camping and such, so instead I think I'll go replace a couple dozen more of my CDs. We have to spend and document some more of the insurance money to get the final bit released, and we are out of space to store big stuff like furniture, plus most of the furniture is already bought, so it's almost my duty to buy some tunes. Right?

Thought so too.

Afterward, the grill gets fired, and them steaks get devoured. A perfect almost-but-not-quite-medium rare sirloin, a nice robust salad, bake a spud, and enjoy the mild climate we're having. Should be about the last stress-free weekend we have until the house is ready. All the while enjoying some tunage. Methinks some Motorhead would be appropriate. Nothing says "communing with nature and its harmony" like Lemmy seranading about dancing on your grave, huh?
If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man
You win some, lose some, it's still the same to me
The pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you say
I don't share your greed, the only card I need is....
We're going to Homelan's for lunch. We would be swimming but I don't think the weather will agree.
You know me, evil eye
You know me, prepare to die
You know me, the snakebite kiss
Devil's grip, the Iron Fist

I'm gonna labor some more (house fixings never end do they)
i'm supposed to go to the end-of-summer festival at city center here... about 8-10 blocks stroll down a hill for me... but the proto-wife is sick as fuck - chicken pox... they think, which are in her throat and she's miserable... so i'll likely just stay with her.
My son has a *date* today - so I have to take him to meet her at West Edmonton Mall. I hate that place. I told him I want to meet her before they head in to the movie.

He's so nervous... dang that's cute!!
Had plans to attend a pool party. It's raining. And, I'm not complaining one bit. We desperately need the rain. Oh,well. I have a sinus infection anyways. Probably wouldn't have enjoyed myself anyways. Sorry to hear about the "proto-wife" 2minkey. Hope she feels better soon.
I'll probably stop by the office for a bit later today and go through the pictures I took of the football game on Friday and get a few other little things taken care of.
Lessee, had the granddaughter over, went for a dip in the pool and made some guacamole & cheddar burgers on the grill. All in all a satisfying and unstressful day.
Went to Homey's, kids swam, ate good food for lunch, and now I have having left over banana pudding for dinner.
Well, Sunday, I got the dubious honor of waking up at 6 AM and going to work.

We had a "meeting" to get us "excited" about the direction the company is headed in. This entailed pointless children's activities, free donuts, and the essential PowerPoint. It was on the clock though, which was pretty awesome.

After that, I got to drive to BJ's and buy $180 in food using company money. Enough food for about 80 people.
Then I spent a few hours behind the store, grillin' burgers and hot dogs. For whatever reason, the store manager decided to allow me to get paid to grill food and go shopping.
The meeting was from 7 until 10, and I grilled from 10 until 2. From 2 until 5, I needed to sell. And I did punch out from 1 until 2, for the stupid child labor laws.

They also did a raffle thing and I won $19.99 in free CDs. It coincided with our "All CDs from $9.99-$13.99 now on sale for $9.99" so I got Best of Bowie and the Braveheart soundtrack for free.

Then I was planning on going to the beach with Sawhney89, Maxell, and another of my friends. They all have overcontrolling parents and couldn't make it. But I did get to go down with my family and spend a night there. Solid 12 hours of sleep, followed by a relaxing day at the beach.

Tomarrow, I need to help Sawhney89 figure out how to put the car between the cones, then I'm spending an enjoyable afternoon playing "HALO" with like 20 people.

Wednsday, it's off to school, to secure my parking spot, number 327 for me and 326 for Sawhney89, and to get us moved into the "juvenile delinquent" homeroom.

Thursday, it's off to school for real, but this time, I get to show off my car on the way out of the parking lot after school. You wouldn't believe how cool people think my car is.
A glorious, PAIN FREE day!

Went CD shopping. Making a deal with the local new/used store manager for a bulk purchase. In the meantime, picked up two new and 21 used CDs. $182. Rock and freakin roll. I was elated to learn that Gov't Mule has a recent release. Fixin to put that puppy in and be impressed I'm certain. The other 22 I used to have anyway, almost all the Jackyl, finished the Kenny Wayne Shepherd, made dents in Aerosmith and Van Halen, a notch in the KISS (Christ that's gonna take forever), and some odds and ends from Sweet, Molly Hatchet, SRV, Robert Plant, Bad Company, and who knows what else.

Came home and chilled awhile, then grilled some pretty decent sirloins. Good quiet family time.

All in all, I'll take it.
Did steaks, taters, beets and green beans on the grill last night.

Went fishing with the girls in this beautiful weather (70-80s F). Caught a 9" largemouth. Hey, better than being skunked. :D

Home now, showered, and lamenting the sunrise and the associated work week. Bah. Can I have another beer?
Friday night - cleaned up oil spill in garage. Saturday afternoon - fantasyfootball draft #1. Saturday night - my bachelor party! Sunday morning - my bachelor party! Sunday evening - fantasy football draft #2 (the serious one). Monday, moved the fiance's stuff into my house.

pretty good 3 day weekend
Took off last Thursday and Friday, which was nice. Went to a bachelor party in Philly Saturday night and to AC on the way home, so my Monday was spent a snoozing, until I had dinner with my girlfriend, her dad, and her step mom.

All around a great weekend, with the exception of a possible concussion from one of the shot girls at the bachelor party...
we did inch thick Ribeye Steaks with corn on the cobb, baked potatos and bbq beans (all on the grill) Yum!
Yeah, all I know is, I remember before being hit, but not much afterwards. My face is still bruised and my jaw hurts like hell...

Needless to say, we did get VIP cards which wave the cover charge up until December 1, so I am already trying to put together another trip...