Laci's case

Aunty Em said:
So how many people have been executed on circumstancial evidence who later turned out to be innocent.... Or is that a federal secret?

I don't know. I think without a body it can't be capital punishment. I'm sure there are plenty of anti-capital punishment sites that would have figures.
Aunty Em said:
So how many people have been executed on circumstancial evidence who later turned out to be innocent.... Or is that a federal secret?
I'm not sure any figures you got would be accurate. It's an emotional issue. I used to be gung ho for it, now I think you would need something irrefutable to convince me someone should be killed. There is a case here in TN where a guy is scheduled for exiecution, and there is some question of whether he was the actual trigger man. This seems like a no-brainer to me. Don't kill the guy.
Gonz said:
people have beent tried & convicted without a body.

so they dont need the body to persecute someone? i thought they found the body or tried to before anything happened.

Gato_Solo said:
I hope the guilty party suffers immensely. Whether it's the husband or someone else...

wow you and i agree on something. no matter who it is they do deserve to suffer themselves
Curiouser and curiouser...Perhaps the police should be a little concerned, and look a bit deeper at their evidence next time. If this keeps up, the one person they've been placing out there as the only suspect will be sued by the family of the victim, no doubt...