Language fluency


New Member
How many languages can you speak fluently?

I can only speak 2: Hawaiian & English.
I've been saying forever that I want to learn Japanese, but I haven't gotten my lazyass around to starting.
Fluently: Dutch and English

Not so fluently, but enough to have a conversation: German

I would really like to learn Russian and are beautiful languages to listen to IMO :)
fluently, I speak Flirt and Drunken Slur.

I have enough background in English and Hawaiian to carry on a gossip session.

I have always wanted to learn Gaelic because it has the word "lick" in it

hehehe, flirt language rules....especially when you "speak it" with no words :headbang:
Only one fluently: English.

Been studying Japanese on and off now for years. I have the basic sentence structure and grammar down, but not a lot of vocabulary. And I'm just now getting around to studying the hiragana and katakana. I've not really touched the kanji at all yet.

Know a smidgen French.
nalani said:
fluently, I speak Flirt and Drunken Slur


:rofl: Hey, I know those too! 'cept maybe I've lost fluency in it 'cause I'm having a hard time reading luis' threads ... :confuse3:

Janimal said:
Only one fluently: English.

Been studying Japanese on and off now for years. I have the basic sentence structure and grammar down, but not a lot of vocabulary. And I'm just now getting around to studying the hiragana and katakana. I've not really touched the kanji at all yet.

Know a smidgen French.

Here's my one and only Japanese lesson I can offer ... my av means "Higashi" :D
that's the result of more than 9 months without practicing the language

*can't wait until she can get really drunk* ;)
I speak english fluently, I can understand some french and if you put me in a situation with only german speaking people after a day or two I could carry on a conversation again. I was in Germany for 5 weeks but have forgotten much of it now.
higashi - east. Yes, I've heard (seen really) you mention that your av means "east".

Most important of all... "sake kudasai" - SAKE PLEASE!
English, Dutch, Hebrew, Arabic, a little bit of Chinese, Spanish, and French.

Good morning! (English)

Goeiedag! (Dutch)

Shalom! (Hebrew)

Ahalayn! (Arabic)
I'm not bothering to learn European tongues... IMHO they can just speak English and be done with it. I know Dutch because my grandmother was Dutch. I wanna learn Chinese though.
You speak them fluently? :eek:

If so, I can test your knowledge of Dutch... :evilgrin:

[edit: oops, didn't see that last reply :D]
Go ahead... I speak a dialect of Dutch though. And my spelling is horrrrrrrrrrrific. I can speak it fluently though, and understand it. I've just never honestly learnt how to read and write it.
LastLegionary said:
Go ahead... I speak a dialect of Dutch though. And my spelling is horrrrrrrrrrrific. I can speak it fluently though, and understand it. I've just never honestly learnt how to read and write it.


We only have Dutch and the crap people talk up North..Fries (don't know the english translation for that :D)
You are forgetting Afrikaans.... from South Africa. My grandmother was from that country. The spelling is simliar, grammar is similar, and pronunciation is also simliar. Most people haven't heard about that language though, so I usually tell them dutch :) Otherwise they go, "huh?" and then I need to explain it all. I can really write Afrikaans fairly fluently, but converting to Dutch is a little problem for me. You guys have too many "i"s, "j"s, and "z"s.

Verstaan jy wat ek nou sê? Hierdie is korrekte Afrikaans. Jy behoort dit te kan verstaan as jy stadig oor dit lees! Ek kan Nederlands verstaan as ek dit stadig lees, en ek kan dit ook verstaan as iemand dit praat.
