Lasik Eyes?

I have had glasses purt near all my life--or at least since I was 6 or 8 yrs. old. I thank my lucky stars I found the high-index ant-burners that reduced my Coke-bottle lenses to mere 'sliver' of the lenses I caught flack for in my formative years. For me the world is a total blur without corrective lenses, and I was wondering if anyone here has had the Lasik proceedure? I understand it's improved now (all laser, no blade to make the 'flap') . 8 yrs. ago I was considering it, even made an appt. to be assessed, but didn't have the nerve to go thru with it. It would be wonderful to be able to toss the glasses and contacts, like being set free, and be able to see without them. :nerd:
I was told I couldn't (or shouldn't) get it done till I was older because my eyesight was still changing. They don't reccommend it for anyone who has to get their prescription changed frequently. You can still do it but in 5 years time, it will be like you didn't have it done because you'll have to wear glasses again. It's not permanent.

I've also heard about people who have reacted poorly to it. They developed extreme sensitivity to light where they have to wear sunglasses even at night because of headlight glare. You might want to do a little searching on the risks before going through with it.
Ditto, I'm blind without my contacts :|. Been looking into laser treatment, still very expensive - but I guess worth it in the long run. I still can't get it done as I'm a year away from being 21, but also my prescription has changed in the past 2 years, so that may be a factor against me. I think in general it works well, but the advice I always hear is that you should get it all checked out with proper doctors, and go to several consultants before doing anything - there are lots of dodgy consultants who are in it purely for the money, and aren't worried about you going blind 5 years down the line..
TOO, how old are you? I didn't even know I needed glasses at 20 and I've had at least 15 prescription changes since then, 11 years later. I wouldn't do it if you're under 30.
My ex got lasik done. Before, her eyesight was so bad she had to keep her glasses on during sex or else her eyes would hurt. I saw her again last November, and to be honest, I liked her better with the glasses.
I used to work in the Hotel biz in Montreal...used to have loads of people drive up from the USA to get the laser surgery doner up here...much cheaper!

I've had several come back to Montreal since, and they all rave over it. We also have one guy who works with me now who had it took a while before he could take those damn wraparound sunshades off of his face, but it's worth it. He used to bend over and squint at signs and posters...poor schmo

I've considered it for me and MrsBishop...she needs it more, but would like me to try first...taste the poisoned meal first, so to speak :)
The wife of a coworker got the surgery done on friday, and my coworker tells me shes happy as a clam. She has to wear reading glasses right now, but thats normal for the first few weeks they say.
