last letter first

bleach said:
Some other time maybe ;) Nobody has need of those services yet :)

That is definitely an exxagerated lie! I demmand an immediate retraction of that statement (of course we need your services, who else would we go to?) ;)
AlphaTroll said:
That is definitely an exxagerated lie! I demmand an immediate retraction of that statement (of course we need your services, who else would we go to?) ;)

oh, there are surely others here with skills in the urinary extration department
good god is this talking about taking the P now? surely this isn't my fault for another of my annoying posts is it?
peterska2 said:
good god is this talking about taking the P now? surely this isn't my fault for another of my annoying posts is it?

To be honest It's about a different message board where Trolley and meself decided to take on the admins and won :) (the place was run like the internet version of aushchwitz.)