last letter first

perhaps. If we haven't already done so in the corner shop before now. I take it that you did mean me and steweygrrrr when you asked
kuulani said:
gag me! i hope i never have to work nights! *knock on wood* i live in hawai'i, it's only 9am here :D

enjoy it then. it's 8pm here which is why steweygrrrr has finished work. We is in England
K everyone I's back! Bleach I do 10 - 18:00 Monday Friday which rocks. peterska/snuffles I got the 501 home last nite becasue it was at the stop when I got into town. But I passed it this monrin ;)
no you didn't pass my car coz it aint there. tis in the garage needing a new exhaust. I only took it for the fan belt to be tightened :cry: now its gonna cost me about £100.00 :eek: not fair
rip off! as my bud would say 'bend me over and rape me instead! it'll be less painful!' I reckon they're taking your ride for a ride
errr - they are the cheapest one actually. I always use the same garage and they do it really cheap for me and fix it up all nice. They are tweaking my engine too for me FOC so I can't complain