Latest Darwin Awards contestants


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SECOND TIME'S THE CHARM -- Unconfirmed Darwin Award Nominee

March 2003, Michigan | Ignoring Coast Guard warnings, David Manley
ventured onto the icy surface of Saginaw Bay with his pickup truck
one chilly morning. Predictably, the vehicle broke through the ice,
but the 41-year-old managed to avert tragedy and escape from the
sinking truck. He reached the shore wet and cold, but alive.

Despite his traumatic experience, and despite a day of sunshine
and warm temperatures in the 60s, David returned to Saginaw Bay
late the following night. This time he was driving an all-terrain
vehicle, and accompanied by a friend. Surprise! The ATV also
plunged through the ice.

His companion survived, but David had used up his luck. His body
was recovered by the Coast Guard southwest of the Channel Islands.
An autopsy was scheduled to determine whether anything besides
a desire to win a Darwin Award was a factor in his demise.
REFERENCE: Flint Journal

MASTER WELDER -- Unconfirmed Darwin Award Nominee

February 2003, Australia | I heard this on radio and happened to
pass the house the next day. A homeowner was doing some welding
on the roof of his house at Port Macquarie in NSW. He had problems
with his oxy tanks slipping, so he decided to tack weld them to the
roofing iron. That was the last thing he ever did. When I passed
the house the next day, there wasn't much left of the roof on that
side of the house.
REFERENCE: Personal Account citing the Radio

BLOW YOUR MIND -- Unconfirmed Honorable Mention

April 2002, Australia | On a hot day in Sydney, an apprentice
builder decided to quench his thirst with a high-pressure water gun
used for cleaning cement off bricks. Unfortunately, the power of the
water hindered his efforts when it blew his cheek, lower jaw, and
chin clean off his face. Luckily, surgeons were able to reattach
these useful body parts. To add to his injuries, the apprentice
builder was fired as a result of his stupidity.

i think this would be a great thread for spot to tell us some of the stupid things he sees in the ER. i saw this one ER show where this guy was pruning trees and he fell off the ladder into the back of the truck that had all the pruned branches in it...poor dude received a branch up the rectum...can you just imagine? the had to saw the branch in surgery...can you imagine the splinters???
tonks said:
i think this would be a great thread for spot to tell us some of the stupid things he sees in the ER. i saw this one ER show where this guy was pruning trees and he fell off the ladder into the back of the truck that had all the pruned branches in it...poor dude received a branch up the rectum...can you just imagine? the had to saw the branch in surgery...can you imagine the splinters???
Ouch! I would love to see some more stuff like this.... I need a good laugh at the expense of the stupidity of other human beings. :rofl3:

Has anyone seen this story?

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Mistaken Rapture to Blame for Woman's Death [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ARKANSAS CITY (EAP) -- A Little Rock woman was killed yesterday after leaping through her moving car's sun roof during an incident best described as a "mistaken rapture" by dozens of eye-witnesses.[/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Ernie Jenkins, 32, of Fort Smith, who looks like very much like Jesus, was on his way to a toga costume party, when the tarp covering the bed of his pickup truck came loose, releasing twelve blow-up sex dolls filled with helium which began floating up into the sky. Jenkins lifted his arms into the air in frustration, and said "Come back," (as luck would have it) just as the Williams' car passed him. [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"She started screaming "He's back!, He's back!" and climbed right out of the sunroof and jumped off the roof of the car," said Everet Williams, husband of 28-year-old Georgann Williams who was pronounced dead at the scene. [/font][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Thirteen other people were injured after a twenty-car pile-up resulted from people trying to avoid hitting the woman.

I started laughing as soon as I saw the part about a guy who looks like Jesus on his way to a toga party. :D
I heard on friday that a Russian man couldn't get the stains out of his clothes well enough to suit him so he ran it once again with gasoline in the drum ... with predicitable results.
unclehobart said:
I heard on friday that a Russian man couldn't get the stains out of his clothes well enough to suit him so he ran it once again with gasoline in the drum ... with predicitable results.
Geez! There are some smart people in the world.... How about this one that I found today?

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Peruvian Cuts Off Testicle in Protest [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]PERU - Apparently petitions and protest demonstrations aren't good enough for this Peruvian man. Laborer Eduardo Velez Alejos, 36, sliced off one of his testicles to protest his low wages when guards outside the Lima building refused to let him speak to President Carlos Ferrero Costa. This is not the only instance that Alejos has taken harm to his genital area for the sake of proving a point. Just last year he reportedly chopped off his penis in protest at not having a job. His penis had been successfully reattached, however, this time doctors failed to reattach the severed testicle during emergency surgery. Still, doctors say that Velez can maintain "a normal sex life."
SexyBoo said:
Geez! There are some smart people in the world.... How about this one that I found today?


Drs say that he can maintain a normal sex life??!? Normal??? Jesus in a toga! How is he supposed to explain to his partner what he did today?

"Sorry hon...not tonight, I've got an urge to slice off my wanker tomorrow morning, and I want it to be nice and clean for the surgeons."
MrBishop said:
Drs say that he can maintain a normal sex life??!? Normal??? Jesus in a toga! How is he supposed to explain to his partner what he did today?

"Sorry hon...not tonight, I've got an urge to slice off my wanker tomorrow morning, and I want it to be nice and clean for the surgeons."

MrBishop said:
Drs say that he can maintain a normal sex life??!? Normal??? Jesus in a toga! How is he supposed to explain to his partner what he did today?

"Sorry hon...not tonight, I've got an urge to slice off my wanker tomorrow morning, and I want it to be nice and clean for the surgeons."

he could tell her hes a lesbian now
A man died in Putnam County, Florida last weekend when he tried to imitate a stunt he had seen on TV by sticking a fish into his mouth. The fish wiggled down into his throat, and the gills and fin spines which had folded back when he put it in his mouth opened out, preventing him or his friends from pulling the fish out. He strangled on the fish and died at the hospital despite rescue efforts.

That should qualify for a Darwin Award nomination.