Lawn care (or lack thereof)

How often do you water your lawn?

  • More than once a day

    Votes: 11 100.0%
  • Once a day

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only on days it doesn't rain or a few times a week

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only when the grass turns brown

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only when the lawn is on fire

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't have a lawn

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Stop Laughing

New Member
I know summer's almost over, but I thought I'd have a little fun with this. Our lawn is almost nothing but weeds. I'd let it burn. :flame: :D
You're supposed to water your lawn? But doesn't that make it grow, which makes you have to mow your lawn?

Nope, don't water my lawn.
if it gets wet from me watering my food garden, it should be happy with that :headbang:
When it was really hot around here I watered it up to 3 times per day. But we've just sewn it...(sp?)
So the roots were really short and the grass couldn't get the water out of lower earth layers...that was a real pain in the ass.

I hate watering grass and plants. But the result is always satisfactionary :)
I have a lawn... a nice one. My grass is fairly hardy and has deep roots to weather most dry spells. I wont turn on the water until it is on the verge of death. I think I've watered the lawn 4 times this year. I usually do it right after fertilizing otherwise it would positively scorch the lawn if not diluted out.
Our lawn is irrigated and the sprinklers pop up whenever the dryness meter goes below a certain point.
Its simple really. Most modern dryness meters are nothing more than a shallow plastic dish with some electrodes. When it dries to a certain point the electric connection is lost. The system turns on for a set cycle. The tray is refilled and it all begins again. The circle of life is complete.
Yep, we don't have a garden really, not yet. Our house is 2 years old and soon we will build a fence around the yard and plant some trees and flowers. Those will get a special type of sprinkler and will be more time controlled I think, but I'm not sure. My dad and I are also working on an automated little driod that will cut the grass. I'm doing the software, he the electronics, and both of us the mechanics :D

Doesn't sound like a bad idea to buy...I guess that they won't be that expensive, since the principle is that easy?

It would be nice for our bamboo, we keep forgetting to water that bastard, and it always partially dies in the summer...
baboo? Hm, we will be planting some fruit trees, and lots of colorful flowers. I like gardening :D I like plants too, and trees.
I like gardening too, our garden looks really nice in summers, but also in winters...a lot of green then, and a lot of colors in the summer.
Nice contrast :)

We have a pear tree in our if you visit the netherlands once, I'll make sure you stay away from it :D

lol :gun4:

We want an apple tree, peach tree or two, strawberries, and hm I don't know what else. We used to live in a house (not in Canada) with two peach trees, lemon tree, apricot tree, lequat tree, and a whole whack load of other stuff. I miss my garden and trees.
We also have a second garden, with all kind of vegetables, strawberries, tomatoes, and all kind of other stuff on it...

Nothing better than home-grown veggies :)
Shadowfax said:
LastLegionary said:
Our lawn is irrigated and the sprinklers pop up whenever the dryness meter goes below a certain point.

Damned technology advanced Americans ;)


You are SO cut off boy! American absolutely DOES NOT equal Canadian!!!