LDS polygamist sect trials to begin


Well-Known Member
We will see what happens on this one. Amazing the damage that one crank phone call, by a mentally deranged person citing proven false information, can cause.


Polygamist Sect Focus of Rare Trial in Texas Town

Sunday, October 25, 2009

SAN ANGELO, Texas — The first jury trial in more than a decade in the sleepy West Texas town of Eldorado involves an alleged polygamist and an accusation of sexual assault of an underage bride, a far cry from the occasional drunken driving cases that normally occupy the Schleicher County court system.

Attorneys on Monday will begin culling the largest jury pool ever called in Eldorado to try to find 14 people in a county of 2,800 who can set aside what they have heard about a polygamist sect whose alleged marriages involving underage girls triggered a police raid that swept more than 400 children into state custody last year.

Raymond Jessop, 38, will become the first man from the Yearning For Zion Ranch to go on trial here. He is charged with sexual assault of a child — an underage girl he allegedly married first — and faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted. He is also charged with bigamy for allegedly marrying a second underage girl, but will be tried on that charge separately.

In all, 12 sect men have been charged with crimes ranging from failure to report child abuse to bigamy and sexual assault at the ranch, where women and girls wear braids and pastel prairie dresses. They have all denied wrongdoing.

The cases began after a woman in Colorado allegedly called a Texas domestic abuse hot line in March 2008 and pretended to be a teenage girl with a much-older husband who raped and beat her. State authorities swooped in, taking 439 children away from their sheltered lives and hundreds of boxes of documents and family photos to build their case. The Texas Rangers have acknowledged the hot line information was false, but the caller has never been charged.

Seating a 12-person jury and two alternates for Jessop's case may be a difficult because most residents of the tiny ranching community know each other, and national and international media coverage made the April 2008 raid impossible to ignore.

"Perhaps I should ask if anyone has not heard," state District Judge Barbara Walther said at a pretrial hearing. "It's extremely unlikely that we'll have anyone who will say they have not heard about this trial."

The YFZ Ranch, even before the raid, had been the talk of the town after members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints turned a patch of West Texas scrub into a compound that included gardens and a towering limestone temple.

Speculation grew about life in the secluded community when the sect's leader, Warren Jeffs, was placed on the FBI's Most Wanted list, accused in Arizona and Utah of arranging underage marriages with sect girls. Jeffs, who is revered as a prophet by FLDS members, was captured in 2006 and convicted in Utah as an accomplice to rape. He is jailed in Arizona awaiting trial on charges related to underage marriages there and faces sexual assault and bigamy charges in Texas.

During the raid, some local residents gave food, supplies or other support to authorities while they were encamped in Schleicher County or to the women and children moved away from the ranch during the raid. Jessop's attorney, Mark Stevens, said it was likely potential jurors would be asked about any involvement in the raid.

The county sent summonses to 300 potential jurors — nearly one-sixth of the county's registered voters in hopes of seating a jury there. If lawyers can't get a full panel, the trial could be moved to an adjoining county. Tom Green County, home to much larger San Angelo, would be the likeliest choice.

The last jury impaneled in Eldorado, back in the late 1990s, decided the punishment of a drug possession defendant who pleaded guilty but wanted a jury to decide the penalty. Randy Mankin, editor of The Eldorado Success, the town's weekly newspaper, remembers because he was on that jury.

He got summoned again for Jessop's trial, as did his college-age son and his mother.

Few criminal cases go to trial in a county where charges are mostly related to drugs or alcohol, said Schleicher County Clerk Peggy Williams.

"There's not a whole lot to talk about," she said.

There's likely to be a lot more to talk about in Jessop's case. Stevens and Assistant Attorney General Eric Nichols have agreed to consult with Walther throughout jury selection and testimony on a host of contentious issues — including the false report that triggered the raid, Jessop's alleged multiple marriages and an appellate court decision slamming the state for moving all the ranch children into foster care. The children were later returned to their mothers or other relatives, and none remain under the oversight of state officials.

Nichols said the trial is expected to last two weeks. The prosecution lists 59 potential witnesses including law enforcement and child welfare officials, two of Jessop's alleged wives, and former FLDS members.

Authorities have said little about the allegations against Jessop, but documents seized from the ranch indicate the assault charge stems from his alleged marriage to an underage girl. The girl later became pregnant and was in labor for several days in August 2005. But after Jessop consulted with sect leader Warren Jeffs, the girl wasn't taken to the hospital, allegedly out of fear that hospital authorities would discover her age and turn in Jessop.

"I knew that the girl being 16 years old, if she went to the hospital, they could put Raymond Jessop in jeopardy of prosecution as the government is looking for any reason to come against us there," said Jeffs in one of the numerous alleged journal entries confiscated by authorities.

One of Jeffs' daughters allegedly married Jessop the day after she turned 15. The bigamy charge pertains to that relationship.

Under Texas law, generally, no one under 17 can consent to sex with an adult.

FLDS members, who believe polygamy brings glorification in heaven, historically have lived around the Arizona-Utah line, but the sect bought a ranch on the outskirts of Eldorado about six years ago. Hundreds of FLDS members, including many of the 439 children initially taken by child welfare authorities, have returned to the log cabin-style homes there.
LDS did a hell of a lot of damage to themselves. Their leader alone. Geeesh.

Hope they put away any kid fuckers.
what a tricky case.

Underage marriage is against the law.

Poligamy is against the law, but if all are willing....I don't see the problem, but that is just an opinion.

The problem is that the search etc. started with a bad call, which means the evidence should be thrown out. If not it sets a precedent that cops can get someone to call 911 and search anywhere without a warrant.
I've read and seen enough documentaries regarding these child marriages and what the girls are put through. These old guys need to be put in prison for what they do, especially the fathers who push their 15 year old daughters into marriages with their old codger friends. Sick fucks.
aw come on folks it's their religion. and it's their choice!

now why would anyone want to "take a stand" on this and make a value judgment that fucking kids is wrong?

i mean, gee, it's all relative(s).

besides, why would you wanna wait 'til she's emotionally mature enough to make her own choice when god sez women are breeding vessels? might as well just get one cookin' yeeehah!

remember to do what father says.
Although I have a few bones to pick with the Mormons right about now, I do need to clarify that this whole thing is the FLDS church, not the regular LDS one.
meh, one can't please all the people all the time. (in this life)

It'd be great if somehow a doctrine could be formed that most people could agree with.
I don't see it happening any time soon though.
Although I have a few bones to pick with the Mormons right about now, I do need to clarify that this whole thing is the FLDS church, not the regular LDS one.

yeah i'd expect the "regulars" to be mortified over this...
It is certainly ‘bad press’ to have their name
drug into this, most folks won’t differentiate
between the two.
I would love having a nubile 15 year old girl to play with
as long as I could trade her in for a new one before she hit 21
I used to think I'd like much younger (women, not children), but I had one
about 20, when I was 40.
The adolescences nearly drove me crazy.
I'd much rather have a woman more mentally compatible, than just physical,
for longer term.
I would love having a nubile 15 year old girl to play with
as long as I could trade her in for a new one before she hit 21

yeah by 21 you'd have stretched out all her parts. but hey, she coulda popped out 4-5 kids by then easy, and fulfilled her destiny!


Nah dude a 15 yr old is a child, by 21 I'd have raised her
(not impregnated her)
she'd have graduated college.
She'd be ready to go out and lead a successful life
not be a baby factory.
what about the fact that the original search was based on a crank call, how does that fit into things?
That is what will get this whole thing overturned, in the Supreme Court. By then, the district attorney will have become a politician somewhere, the judge will have his/her own show & the clients attorneys will be rich and famous.
Someone dails 911 "there's a murder being committed here, this is the address"
The person misidentifies themselves hangs up.
Upon arrival indeed a murder has been committed
the police apprehend the person that committed the murder
and the case goes to trail.

Oh the caller was a crank, case dismissed?


This is what I’ve noticed here lately
it isn’t an issue of going Off Topic
More one of not knowing what the issue is in the first place.

Typical OTC thread flow:
My hair is on fire what should I do?
Well how did your hair catch on fire in the first place?
Do you really think hair is important?
I think the whole reason that your hair is on fire
is because of those nasty Liberals!!!
No it was booshes fault

Of course the obvious response would be:
Put it out!

Now of course this would result in:
Should I use that glass of water on the nightstand?
Or go out in the hall and use the fire extinguisher?
Oh I know, I could stick my head in the toilet!
Are you in favor of female private contractors overseas
being raped, on a daily basis?

hey um I hate to bring this up but…
In case you’ve lost focus
Um ah well..
Yer hair is on freakin’ Fire!
This has been a public service announcement
from your favorite neighborhood Winky
We now return you too your regularly scheduled broadcast
after this commercial message from our sponsor
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese!
But you are gonna melt the polar ice caps with that fire!
yer gonna hafta buy a carbon credit for that fire ya got there Bub!
Nah dude a 15 yr old is a child, by 21 I'd have raised her
(not impregnated her)
she'd have graduated college.
She'd be ready to go out and lead a successful life
not be a baby factory.

well then obviously the FLDS folks would not wanna recruit yer ass. i think you might do better with a more mainstream pedophiliac organization. :grinyes: