Leave the small pets at home


New Member
if you're coming down here. This morning, I saw what I think was one of these just standing around in my front yard.

I love starting a day that way.

Cool! I wish I had one of those in my yard.

I saw a Red-Tailed hawk at a garden a few weeks back, got this picture of him eating another bird:

V2.0 was quite excited, until I mentioned the thing could probably carry him off. He backed away from the window a bit. :D
there are 4 hawks of some sort that live somewhere in the woods here. havent got close enough to ID them yet, but they have a wingspan of about 5'.
Got two red-tails living in the trees that border the field next door, a fairly good sized one and a smaller one (female and mate?). It's fun watching them. The biggest thing I've ever seen the big one take was a young rabbit. Red-tails don't get that big, Spot. Those are big birds.
chcr said:
Got two red-tails living in the trees that border the field next door, a fairly good sized one and a smaller one (female and mate?). It's fun watching them. The biggest thing I've ever seen the big one take was a young rabbit. Red-tails don't get that big, Spot. Those are big birds.

Hawks aren't all that big ,Spot's are probably either immature Bald eagles or Golden eagles.,Eeagles have been known to take small dogs around here,but even then they have a hard time getting lift .
A.B.Normal said:
Hawks aren't all that big ,Spot's are probably either immature Bald eagles or Golden eagles.,Eeagles have been known to take small dogs around here,but even then they have a hard time getting lift .
this is a pic of a turkey vulture i found on the web.

the other image is one i took of the birds a few months back. does it look similar to you?
Okay,I thought you were saying it was a hawk you were seeing,my bad.We have Vultures here too and the way the individual feathers at the end of the wings look like fingers is a sure sign of a vulture and the fact they flap very infrequently.
i thought it was a hawk of some sort till chcr mentioned they dont have wingspans that big. just happened to stumble across a pic of the turkey vulture.
They do look identical. I have a big bird identification book if you want an ID. I never realized just how many different types of birds there are. One feather that's a different color than the rest makes it a whole new bird, it's wild. Even common birds like sparrows and ducks have a bunch of different species.

And once I started paying attention, I've seen all sorts of birds that have been there all along, but I never noticed.
Spot said:
i thought it was a hawk of some sort till chcr mentioned they dont have wingspans that big. just happened to stumble across a pic of the turkey vulture.
I wondered. There are a lot of various vultures in this area, and some of 'em are effing huge (the size, not the OTC member ;) ).
greenfreak said:
They do look identical. I have a big bird identification book if you want an ID. I never realized just how many different types of birds there are. One feather that's a different color than the rest makes it a whole new bird, it's wild. Even common birds like sparrows and ducks have a bunch of different species.

And once I started paying attention, I've seen all sorts of birds that have been there all along, but I never noticed.
thats the best pic i have of them right now. i keep the camera near the door incase i see them again.
Not too many hawks around here, though i did see one of these about 200 feet from my house (in the high-school field across the street). Colour me stunned... I must've stared at it for a good 10 mins before he took wing. Maybe he was out hunting some of the hares that've built a warren in my raspberry patch :D
