Lebanese Kudos!


Well-Known Member
TRIPOLI, Lebanon — Lebanese troops tightened a siege of a Palestinian refugee camp Monday where a shadowy group suspected of ties to Al Qaeda was holed up, pounding the camp with artillery a day after the worst eruption of violence since the end of the country's civil war.

The Lebanese Gov. is showing impressive courage here.


Let's see if they wined up negotiating.
IMO We should support them, in a major way, with the they need in this.
Al Qaeda

This IS who attacked us.
They need to be WIPED.
NO prisoners. Complete, and decisive.

Civilian casualties to be expected. ... more
I once had sympathy for the Palestinian people in general until I saw them dancing in the streets in celebration after hearing the news of the 9/11 attacks in 2001.

I know in my heart that not all Palestinians are bad, not all are terrorists. But they need to clean their own house and come to realize that terrorism is not the way to earn powerful allies, only to gain powerful enemies.
I never understood homeless Jordanians. That country hardly has anyone in it and is quite huge. I think they are a religious persecuted sub-splinter that can't make nice-nice and want their own taco stand... so to speak.
Why the particular taco stand of another relgious persecuted group when, just before opening, they were asked to be co-owner & refused.
I dunno about popcorn, but I'm really interested to see if they DO
completely, and finally, and utterly defeat the terrorist there.

I'm hoping, if they do, something can be learned from them.:shrug:
No Cat the only way to 'solve the problem once and for all'
would be to dump em all into the sea.

In other words, genocide.

But in todays PC world, that isn't an option?
There will be a shrine to dishonest abe lincoln in my bedroom before there will be peace in the Middle East.

Better start building that shrine. I'll be heading over there soon...I guess I didn't stay long enough for them to get the full effect last time...:devious:
He won't be where the shooting is
he won't be shooting and
he don't wanna miss the great summer weather
they have over there!
Ain't none of us (Altron included) gonna live long enough
to see the Mid-East be nuthin' but a turd werld cesspool.
I often wonder if all of us are going to live plenty long enough to see it become a glassy crater.