Lebanese Kudos!

Peace train sounding louder
Ride on the peace train
Come on the peace train
Peace train's a holy roller
Everyone jump upon the peace train
Peace train sounding louder
Ride on the peace train
Come on the peace train
Peace train's a holy roller
Everyone jump upon the peace train

You realize that he's a muslim, right?
I know Cheeky, that’s what makes it so damn funny!

He's a moosie like Cassius Clay is a moosie.

send the both of em to Hell, where they can plook them
72 (or is it 77) virgins for all eternity.
A Lebanese flag waves victoriously over a caved-in roof at Nahr el-Bared, a Palestinian refugee camp that is now a maze of crumpled buildings and mangled concrete. Explosions echo as soldiers set off unexploded ordnance in the rubble.

See these guys don't play that PC Crap so much.
Just a little though, or they'd have gotten it done sooner, and probably less
casualties on their side.

In any event they have some good soldiers they man.:beardbng: