Left or right?


Staff member
Are you left handed or right handed??

For those lefties...do you use your right or left hand as your mouse hand??
Gonz said:
betcha can guess :D

I can't no cause I know squat about politics and couldn't tell you what being "right" and being "left" consist of to save my life.
Nixy said:
Which hand do you usually use for your mouse?

Well the mouse I'm using right now is a right hand mouse. Form-fit for the right, so that's what I'm using. But usually I use a trackball, and they tend to not have any specific handedness.
Professur said:
Well the mouse I'm using right now is a right hand mouse. Form-fit for the right, so that's what I'm using. But usually I use a trackball, and they tend to not have any specific handedness.

Ok, so when you use a trackball which hand are you most likely to use on the trackball? Or do you just switch it up?
I just use whatever side it's on. If it's been shifted to the lift for some reason, it's lefty, if it's on the right, it's righty. Mostly depends on the kids.
Professur said:
I just use whatever side it's on. If it's been shifted to the lift for some reason, it's lefty, if it's on the right, it's righty. Mostly depends on the kids.

So whichever arm they're yanking on or whichever leg they're sitting on you use the other hand on the trackball?
BeardofPants said:
Right-handed for writing, etc. Ambi- with knives and forks (I toggle between UK-style and US style for eating).

The UK and the US have seperate styles of eatting??
Generally, I stick with the european style of eating, as that is the standard in nz, but when I was very young, I ate using the US style, cos it was easier, and sometimes I revert back to that, depending on what I'm eating.