Lefties making hay out of killings


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Never one to resist the urge to claw his way to the top of a fresh pile of bodies, Bernie sanders is running a fund raising campaign


Sanders Fundraises Off Arizona Murders
3:20 PM, Jan 11, 2011 • By STEPHEN F. HAYES

There has been no shortage of individuals and institutions that have sought to capitalize on the shootings in Tucson. Add Vermont senator Bernie Sanders to that list.

This afternoon Sanders sent out a fundraising appeal, seeking to raise money to fight Republicans and other “right-wing reactionaries” responsible for the climate that led to the shooting.

He writes:

Given the recent tragedy in Arizona, as well as the start of the new Congress, I wanted to take this opportunity to share a few words with political friends in Vermont and throughout the country. I also want to thank the very many supporters who have begun contributing online to my 2012 reelection campaign at www.bernie.org. There is no question but that the Republican Party, big money corporate interests and right-wing organizations will vigorously oppose me. Your financial support now and in the future is much appreciated.​

Sanders lists several events as evidence that right-wing rhetoric led to the attacks, and then continues:

What should be understood is that the violence, and threats of violence against Democrats in Arizona, was not limited to Gabrielle Giffords. Raul Grijalva, an old friend of mine and one of the most progressive members in the House, was forced to close his district office this summer when someone shot a bullet through his office window. Another Democratic elected official in Arizona, recently defeated Congressman Harry Mitchell, suspended town meetings in his district because of the threatening phone calls that he received (Mitchell was also in the cross-hairs on the Palin map). And Judge John Roll, who was shot to death at the Giffords event, had received numerous threatening calls and death threats in 2009.

In light of all of this violence – both actual and threatened – is Arizona a state in which people who are not Republicans are able to participate freely and fully in the democratic process? Have right-wing reactionaries, through threats and acts of violence, intimidated people with different points of view from expressing their political positions?​

A staffer in Sanders’ campaign office confirmed that the letter went out today.

A lot this bastard knows about the democratic process. He is a f---in' Socialist and we know what happens in socialist countries. They take free speech. liberty, freedom, and most importantly they take the firearms so no one can resist them.
That's the Tea Party EXPRESS.
They have been outcast by and large by most all the other Tea Party groups.


That said, all fundraising isn't equal.
What the fundraising is for makes a difference.

Shit like this apparently...

"Radio host Mark Williams, the former chairman of the Tea Party Express,[9] was widely denounced in the summer of 2010 for writing a satiric letter in praise of slavery in the voice of "colored people" on his blog. He was forced to resign his Tea Party Express spokesperson position.[3]

A December 28, 2009 article in Talking Points Memo detailed that OCDB directed almost three-quarters of all its funding to the Republican-affiliated political consulting firm that created the PAC in the first place. According to FEC filings, from July through November 2009, OCDB spent around $1.33 million, and of that sum, $857,122 went to the consulting firm Russo, Marsh, and Rogers.[4][5] OCDB was founded by Sal Russo of the Russo, Marsh, and Rogers.[1]

The Tea Party Express has come under fire for endorsing more government control over civil liberties while claiming to endorse a smaller government."
Hey, no one should be trying to make a buck off of this horror. I equally denounce any who do regardless of their political stripe.

Thanks for bringing that to my attention, Spike.
Leaders of other groups on Becks show, after the pres. of the
express group stepped down for some remarks he made.

come on spike, cato heard it somewhere. it must be true. just like all those crazy "insider only" things he seems to know about. from a couch. in rural georgia.

those crazies can't possibly be on his side. :erm:
Leaders of other groups on Becks show, after the pres. of the
express group stepped down for some remarks he made.

come on spike, cato heard it somewhere. it must be true. just like all those crazy "insider only" things he seems to know about. from a couch. in rural georgia.

those crazies can't possibly be on his side. :erm:

Someone killed a 9-year old girl and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.

come on spike, cato heard it somewhere. it must be true. just like all those crazy "insider only" things he seems to know about. from a couch. in rural georgia.

those crazies can't possibly be on his side. :erm:

I posted on link, and you are totally free to contact people yourself for reference.
Don't....take my word for it. Do your own homework.

it's not a couch, it's a bed :p
Why do you think Bachmann is a psycho?

Yeah the Express is a big ticket money raiser, and is very DC insider style.
That's part of the reason other groups don't associate.
Because pundits use them doesn't necessarily reflect badly when there's a common goal.

It seems like being vengeful and vindictive is eating the left up.
The crazy shit she says.

that first part was out of context, but in any event,
because one makes a mistake, certainly doesn't make them Psyco.

She nowhere close to being as 'crazy' as Nancy P.

I'll let that last comment stand for now because it may very well be so.
We'll see tonight.
"Country ahead of Party"
actually means something to some people.