Leonid Meteor Shower Nov. 16-19


New Member
The Leonid Meteor Shower 2004: Modest Peak Expected Nov. 16-19


Next week brings us the return of the famous Leonid Meteor Shower, a meteor display that over the past several years has brought great anticipation and excitement to sky watchers around the world.
Last year, conditions were much better; the Moon had slimmed to a narrow crescent in the predawn morning sky and offered little hindrance. But this year, the Moon will be out of the sky completely, offering perfect viewing conditions.
They cite 9:00 GMT, which corresponds to 4 a.m. EST and 1 a.m. PST. This is the moment when the Earth will be passing closest to the orbit of the long-departed comet, and when our planet seemingly is most likely to encounter some residual comet material. This time is highly favorable for North Americans, especially those in the eastern United States and eastern Canada.

Cool. That's me. :)

The low that night is supposed to only be 40. Not too bad, it's been below 30 the past few nights.
I wonder how the kids will feel about me dragging them out of bed for this one. The eclipse sure didn't go over well :blank:
The peak time is 4am est? :confuse3:
hopefully I'll catch a glimpse of something, somewhere, sometime a little
sooner during the 3 day time frame.
Ooh! 1 a.m. for me! Plus, there aren't any street lights in this part of my town, so light pollution is surprisingly low for a place within city limits.
DAMMIT! 9am :(

I'm gonna miss it.....caught the Perseids from a plane though...that was a nice view...
:eek: We're all going to die! :lloyd:

Except that, when I think about it, we are all going to die. :shrug:

*Perhaps not tonight though.*
chcr said:
:eek: We're all going to die! :lloyd:

Except that, when I think about it, we are all going to die. :shrug:

*Perhaps not tonight though.*
The first thing I thought was ....
"What if there is a big honkin' chunk that doesn't burn all the way up." :lloyd:
Thanks for the heads up. Its a shame that it didn't happen this past weekend. I was down in NY state with clear skies and no light-pollution.
catocom said:
The first thing I thought was ....
"What if there is a big honkin' chunk that doesn't burn all the way up." :lloyd:

I don't think there's anything in the Leonids big enough to worry about (well, unless you want to worry about getting hit directly ;) ).