lesie i am not very happy

well i think it has gone bit far, interms of bad karma, if my posts are not good, then just don't give any karma then :D , i think i deserve a few more good karma points :)

HomeLAN said:
A few things -

Leslie didn't restrict you to this forum. That decision was made by a group of staff members, and she was simply the one who delivered the message.

You have choices. You can become a contributing member (i.e., something other than the horny, useless crap you've been throwing out here to date), stop stalking the female members, and act like a human being. That will, in time, get you out of here. Or, you can continue to act like an idiot, and you will eventually find yourself banned. Your choice.

As for the karma, I think you're right. I personally (not speaking as a moderator here) believe this has become a lynch mob on that front, and that ought to stop. OTOH, you've done very little to earn good karma. See the paragraph abve on just how to do that.

It's all up to you, CS. Always has been.
We don't give bad karma for posts that simply aren't good. We give bad karma for when you go out of your way to be an ass.
Well, no...I disabled the display of it. I cannot disable the existence of it.
Because you are in a sort of probationary null-space. You are limited to this area and you can't change your stuff. There have been incidents in the past where people tried to be cute and modified their settings so as to be a jerk... links to porn, change their av to read 'fuck you all' so it appears in every forum... all that kind of stuff.

Its just an automatic precaution.
unclehobart said:
Because you are in a sort of probationary null-space. You are limited to this area and you can't change your stuff. There have been incidents in the past where people tried to be cute and modified their settings so as to be a jerk... links to porn, change their av to read 'fuck you all' so it appears in every forum... all that kind of stuff.

Its just an automatic precaution.
would i do that :D