Leslie & co

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As to CB's remark about "everyone's wrong unless you're Gonz or a zillionth post member". Yea, so. Prove me wrong. Leslie tried & tries. So have many others. I enjoy the debate...right or wrong is determined by facts & time.
You just don't get it, do you? :shrug: You must learn not to take such remarks so literally RM.... I know you juat cn't help it...

that was in fact a reference to the fact that whatever I write someone takes offence to it! Its become second nature without actually stopping to consider what I have to say. Its more the way people choose to interpret react to my posts that humor me than the actual posts themselves. And its those reactions that provoke my seemingly reckless behaviour :shrug: which everyone judges me by rather than stop to think about the stupidity of the reactions to me themselves.
Professur said:
TG, did you send Gonz six bad karma?

certainly not. A lady would never be so crude :p

heh, as far as I can remember I have only sent him three at the most my whole time here - signed, and definately not within 5 minutes.

I don't find anything liberating out of dishing out karma for no reason except to boost my own ego :rolleyes:
I in fact give out more good karma than bad, and where it is bad it is for a good reason - such as a comment that is particularly distasteful - as you, prof would know ;)

G, I would suggest you get your facts right - :rofl4:
tank girl said:
You just don't get it, do you? :shrug: You must learn not to take such remarks so literally RM.... I know you juat cn't help it... .

Sorry, all I have to go on is your flippy-floopy werds. ... but I'm learning, you can't help it.

tank girl said:
That was in fact a reference to the fact that whatever I write someone takes offence to it! Its become second nature without actually stopping to consider what I have to say.

That’s because you are a poor communicator with loose and tangential thought patterns.

tank girl said:
Its more the way people choose to interpret react to my posts that humor me than the actual posts themselves.

The burden rest upon you to make clarity with-in the communication, you rarely make sense.

tank girl said:
And its those reactions that provoke my seemingly reckless behaviour :shrug: which everyone judges me by rather than stop to think about the stupidity of the reactions to me themselves.

So the it’s the provocation that causes you to act like a dork? You’re now blaming us/me for you behaviors, …classic
At the end of the day, its the fact that Gonz went a little trigger happy and gave me 7 in one go that kinda disgusts me.

Even if I did give him six bad karma - which I doubt I did - I suggest to you to consider the "you must spread some karma around before giving it to so-and-so" that obviously only doesn't apply to gonzed
ResearchMonkey said:
Sorry, all I have to go on is your flippy-floopy werds. ... but I'm learning, you can't help it.

That’s because you are a poor communicator with loose and tangential thought patterns.

The burden rest upon you to make clarity with-in the communication, you rarely make sense.

So the it’s the provocation that causes you to act like a dork? You’re now blaming us/me for you behaviors, …classic

:erm: loose and tangential thought patterns are often the ones more inclined to think outside the square. I realise that I'm a poor communicator with very strong ideas but that imo is a bit stupid to be ostacized for,

I feel sorry for you that you don't have anything better to do than pick on a young lass that is new to the world and still developing her debating skills.

DO you really expect me to be on the same level as someone twice my age where it comes to that sort of thing? I may not be on the same level, due to lack of experience - but at least I am able to be critical about things and remain passionate despite everything, about what I have to say.
tank girl said:
that was in fact a reference to the fact that whatever I write someone takes offence to it! Its become second nature without actually stopping to consider what I have to say. Its more the way people choose to interpret react to my posts that humor me than the actual posts themselves. And its those reactions that provoke my seemingly reckless behaviour :shrug: which everyone judges me by rather than stop to think about the stupidity of the reactions to me themselves.

I seem to recall a fairy tale about a boy crying wolf...how did that one go again?

I routinely ruffle feathers, here and elsewhere. I'm an abrasive sould from time to time. I have issues about which I am passionate and unswayed. I fully believe I am right about everything I post, else I wouldn't post it. Most folks probably feel the same way. The difference comes when someone refuses to lend credibility to another's point of view. As has been said many times, I don't have to agree with someone's opinion, but that does not change the fact that they have the right to hold and voice that opinion. It also does not change the amount of personal belief the opinion holder places in the opinion. Failing to recognize that one little fact can getcha in some deep doodoo, here and elsewhere.

I have my opinion about your posts. I have my opinion about Gonz's posts. I have opinions on damn near everything. Some folks say things I disagree with. That's OK. I say things most people disagree with. That too is OK. The rub is, thus far on OTC I have yet to encounter anywhere near the venomous reception you have managed. Could be a lot of reasons. I think I know the reason. Aretha Franklin sang a song about it. You mighta heard it before. Gotta give it to get it in the big bad world, even at the expense of your own agenda sometimes. I don't like it when someone I am debating with out-points me, but it happens. At those times, I have a choice to make. I'm still here, so I think the rest you can fill in for yourself.

Youth is always wasted on the young...so unfair! :lol2:
In all reality it was only supposed to be 5. I lost count so 5 or 6 happened. Then I ralized you couldn't see who sent the previous & didn't want you to think everybody has a distaste for you so I added the final one & signed it.

Go back to the original thread that I targeted to you. It's titled "tank grrl". You'll notice that, while starting it off in a rather brusque fashion, I attempted to guide you into understanding the OTC "format". You have been on the attack ever since. In response I'm having fun goading you.
tank girl said:
Even if I did give him six bad karma - which I doubt I did -

First it was no, I would never do such.

Now it's I doubt I did, but even if I did...

And you wonder why we question your credibility.
*kicks the ground in disgruntled fashion*

Ah, shit. I hafta go to work for awhile. Don't do anything i wouldn't do :rofl2:
’TG’ said:
loose and tangential thought patterns are often the ones more inclined to think outside the square. I realise that I'm a poor communicator with very strong ideas but that imo is a bit stupid to be ostacized for,

First off, loose and tangential thinkers do think outside the box, that’s fer sure. Some risperadol and Prozac will often tone down disassociating trait.

You say we read your post wrong. Listen closely cup-cake, we’re not oxtrsizinjh you by any means. We are giving you feed back, maybe harshly, but the subtle approach didn’t werk either. You don’t listen very well little sister… Your desire to win blinds you.

’TG’ said:
I feel sorry for you that you don't have anything better to do than pick on a young lass that is new to the world and still developing her debating skills.

Don’t feel bad my young pedowan, I’m just like the rest of the folks trying to teach you a small lesson that will take you far further in life then your current course. Skillz, you ain’t got any ….yet. ……come hang with UncleMonkey and the gang, learn some real skillz, what your doing certainly ain’t werking.

’TG’ said:
DO you really expect me to be on the same level as someone twice my age where it comes to that sort of thing? I may not be on the same level, due to lack of experience - but at least I am able to be critical about things and remain passionate despite everything, about what I have to say.

No my dear I do not expect that, never mind what you think, you know little moore then what you have fed by the extreme leftist, almost demonicrat-undergound stuff. You certainly do not want to become one of those vile creatures.

Heres the deal; passion is great, if you have clue, from reading your post you're passionately insane. You have been slapped silly by both the left and right, by everyone. How’s that for you first big clue.

Pucker-up pedowan, learn to use the force in your debating skillz. Right now you look more someone passionatly having a grand mal seizure.
ResearchMonkey said:
First off, loose and tangential thinkers do think outside the box, that’s fer sure. Some risperadol and Prozac will often tone down disassociating trait.

Actually, I've already tried Risperdal, on Prozac. Does that confuse your misguided rationale?

ResearchMonkey said:
No my dear I do not expect that, never mind what you think, you know little moore then what you have fed by the extreme leftist, almost demonicrat-undergound stuff. You certainly do not want to become one of those vile creatures.

Oh, but I do : :lol2:

I haven't yet managed to explore the playground that is the DU, I somehow think wouldn't have as much fun as I would here.

For your information, most of my opinions I have followed up on my own impulse, and the sources back up those opinions. not the other way around. Where it is the other way around, it is due to a more or less reliable source. Also due to the fact that I'm a media studies (what you would call "college") varsity student I have a number of papers and A levels under my belt as a jump-start into such progressive and critical ways of thinking - being the seeds planted by such a demonic thing known as a reputable educational institution.

Its no different for you - just our perspectives are from opposite ends of the spectrum and therefore tend to operate against each other.

You forget that I'm on the other side of the world to you, completely different context and political mindset and so really have little interest in the American Democrat vs Conservative divide... other than what you here have delightfully drawn me into, as i'm intrigued in the system to say the least and still trying to get my head around such a narrow and dual black and white framework with little or no space for diversity.

In fact, I think I'm more mid-left than extreme left it just so happens that I'm extreme by comparison in your eyes to your overwhelmingly right-wing standing point.
all i meant by my earlier statement is if you know people don't like you you shouldn't be surprised by the way they react to you. if you choose to stay fine...but why would you? i think recreational time should be...i don't know...FUN! :circle: why would anyone want to spend their time arguing with random people on the internet?
why would anyone want to spend their time arguing with random people on the internet?

why, me...of course
:lloyd: duh ;)

I'm not surprised at all...I just think that what happened with the karma is on the ridiculous and since Gonz preffers to think himself on the moralistic high-ground, I thought a little expose on wouldn't hurt.

I dunno, tonksy...I guess I just find conflict invigorating :p But for obvious reasons, I could never become a lawyer... :lol:

I also have one hell of a backbone -(though some would just call it stubborness) I believe in standing up for myself no matter what - and don't really see why I should let certain people stomp over me because of imagined self-importance and authority .
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