’TG’ said:
loose and tangential thought patterns are often the ones more inclined to think outside the square. I realise that I'm a poor communicator with very strong ideas but that imo is a bit stupid to be ostacized for,
First off, loose and tangential thinkers
do think outside the
box, that’s fer sure. Some risperadol and Prozac will often tone down disassociating trait.
You say we read
your post wrong. Listen closely cup-cake, we’re not oxtrsizinjh you by any means. We are giving you feed back, maybe harshly, but the subtle approach didn’t werk either. You don’t listen very well little sister… Your desire to win blinds you.
’TG’ said:
I feel sorry for you that you don't have anything better to do than pick on a young lass that is new to the world and still developing her debating skills.
Don’t feel bad my young pedowan, I’m just like the rest of the folks trying to teach you a small lesson that will take you far further in life then your current course. Skillz, you ain’t got any ….yet. ……come hang with UncleMonkey and the gang, learn some real skillz, what your doing certainly ain’t werking.
’TG’ said:
DO you really expect me to be on the same level as someone twice my age where it comes to that sort of thing? I may not be on the same level, due to lack of experience - but at least I am able to be critical about things and remain passionate despite everything, about what I have to say.
No my dear I do not expect that, never mind what you think, you know little moore then what you have fed by the extreme leftist, almost
demonicrat-undergound stuff. You certainly do not want to become one of those vile creatures.
Heres the deal; passion is great, if you have clue, from reading your post you're passionately insane. You have been slapped silly by both the left and right, by everyone. How’s that for you first big clue.
Pucker-up pedowan, learn to use the force in your debating skillz. Right now you look more someone passionatly having a grand mal seizure.