Less nauseating

yeah we'll get a rise out of the economy
but that isn't hard considering its been comatose since 2008
question is can the check pants Republicans take the Senate?
and if they did would there be even a chance in hell they
can reverse even a small portion of what ol barry soetoro has wrought?

Repeal the Affordable Care Act or Die!
If we could reverse all the sheet that started in the mid-sixties
you'd see the economy boom like a mofo yo
this you know

but you'd rather see a continued march into socialist mediocrity
and you shall have your wish granted
it will be grand, with your dick in your hand, man
but you'd rather see a continued march into socialist mediocrity
and you shall have your wish granted
it will be grand, with your dick in your hand, man

hmmm yeah your comments sound like those of a resentful old bag on the sidelines... talk about dick in hand... while i am busting my ass working for a start-up... you know, NEW CAPITALISM, dingbat.
good job
a dude that has spent his whole life in academia and hasn't
built even one business
you silly commie whack
yer silly, not to bright fer a Pee H Dee eh?
people who get paid by the hour aren't capitalists

why do I even bother?
Hours & hours & hours of government approved classwork in a government approved skool ending with a government endorsed degree,
which then ends up with a white collar sheep doing the same thing that was already done & basking in the glorious limelight of other
government approved sheep doing what they've been told;


Some guy (or gal), their money, their time & their hot dog stand (until the government approved lawyers come along & take it away because
some regulations got in the way.

while i am busting my ass working for a start-up

Some guy (or gal), their money, their time & their hot dog stand (until the government approved lawyers come along & take it away because
some regulations got in the way.
unless you get rid of the crooks in your town.
Then it get's a little easier if you stay somewhat small.
(less than a mil a year profit) If you go over that, you need a lawyer on retainer.


We finally got rid of one of the big dog crooks.
I used to be Mecum's next door neighbor as a kid.
He's a good ethical man.