Let me Introduce Myself.....

Is Mare a vet? If she is, I had no idea. Anyway, take the cat to the vet, if you can catch it. I doubt I'd take responsibility for it or anything though, could be something pretty serious. :shrug:

So, biker huh? What do you ride? Pics?
Hello Sam, Freak, PT....Thanks for the welcome...Yea, the cat thing sux...by my bike rocks! I have a 1985 Honda VT500 good beginners bike... cause I've been riding for two years now, I'm thinking a little more PoWeR My Dad got me into riding.. here i am on my friend's Hog...and this other is my bike.

Nice bike. I'd have one if I wasn't married. Of course I'd also probably be dead if I wasn't married, so it works out.
Miss Chopper said:
Hey thanks S'n'P
Hey I love the Dukes of Hazzard!!!

[South Park school teacher voice] M'kay. [/voice]

Where I'm from, Deliverence might be a better reference point. :lloyd: Or maybe Thunder Road...lotta moonshine been moved out of these hills in its day. Still a little around if you know where to look and how to ask.
Miss Chopper said:
Well that's a fucking relief!
Sure the fuck is. I've been on other shitty boards will * your dirtywords auto. That fucking sucks. I guess its just cause we have the best fucking god damn board owner ever to be in existance.
What's really fun is when some of these "other" boards censor out the word "suck," especially when it's part of a URL.