Let the battle begin


molṑn labé
Staff member
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Microsoft Corp. has pounced on slumping Internet icon Yahoo Inc. with an unsolicited takeover offer of $44.6 billion in its boldest bid yet to challenge Google Inc.'s dominance of the lucrative online search and advertising markets. The Justice Department says it is interested in reviewing antitrust issues associated with it.


Hot on the tail of this

How many telecommunications companies have yahoo up their arse? Does this mean microsuck will be involved with the British telecommunications? o_O
I wonder how much longer it will be before people realize that Google is turning into (or has already) exactly the same thing that people hate Microsoft for?

Does anyone here remember when Microsoft was the underdog, the sassy young upstart, under the behemouth of Big Blue, IBM? Does anyone remember when most people who followed the business world of computing were rooting for Microsoft?

Then they became big and powerful.

Then we had this sassy young upstart company called Google come along. They gave us a search engine that was better than anything else available at the time. Do you remember how you could put in some key words and you would get some search results that were exactly what you were looking for? Every single time?

Then they became big and powerful. Email, mapping, toolbars, advertising, etc. But have you even noticed that when you type in some key words you don't get search results that were exactly what you were looking for? Not the first time, not without having to be more specific, or less specific, or think about what it is you really want to find?

Face it: Google is the new Microsoft.
I never did like yahoo too much for a search, but they have good email,
and email serving is tough to maintain.
I llike their my.yahoo front page & the email for a backup that can actually be used.
I prefer yahoo's email to any other I've used. I like their fantasy sports games too...easy to navigate, and tons of people on so there's always enough to fill out a league or whatever you're doing. I use Google for searching out of laziness. I wouldn't fall over dead if either disappeared though.
I just like that Google doesn't make you load a bunch of rich media crap just for the home page.
that's why I've Always liked google, and still have it as my homepage.

MS, and Yahoo are on the same page in blote.

MS is already halfway to the place where you Have to have an internet connection just to run it.
I wonder how much longer it will be before people realize that Google is turning into (or has already) exactly the same thing that people hate Microsoft for?

Does anyone here remember when Microsoft was the underdog, the sassy young upstart, under the behemouth of Big Blue, IBM? Does anyone remember when most people who followed the business world of computing were rooting for Microsoft?

Kinda the same that happened with 3dfx and their voodoo video cards. They were a nice product for the masses. With time people started to hate 3dfx and rooted for nvidia and their TNT2 product, then came the geforce. And everything was fine, but then people hated nvidia and started to root for Ati.

Then they became big and powerful. Email, mapping, toolbars, advertising, etc. But have you even noticed that when you type in some key words you don't get search results that were exactly what you were looking for? Not the first time, not without having to be more specific, or less specific, or think about what it is you really want to find?

I do that all the time, even before typing what I want to search ;)

Face it: Google is the new Microsoft.

Couldn't agree more. However, they're not as bad as Microsoft.
Standardization does have some good points...besides pricing...I'll let you know when I think of any...
Haven't heard as many questionable things about Google as Microsoft, that's for sure. Whether it be how they "acquire" technology over the years, suits, forcing technology upon it's users, whatever. I'm not a MS hater per se, they keep me employed.

But I just like the image Google and even Apple have. Sooner or later, everyone's got dirty dealings under their belts. But there's been precious little leaked about these two.

I read that Google contacted Yahoo to see if they could "help" at all... Not sure how true it is. But then again, I'm not worried about MS taking over Yahoo. So what? MS' MP3 player still can't compare to the iPod no matter what they do. I don't see this being much different.
I am now--finally, after all these years--officially disgruntled with Microsoft.

Yesterday I took some photographs of two MD State Police medevac helicopters at the world-famous Shock Trauma Center at University of Maryland Medical Center (where I work). (Link if you're interested in seeing a selection of the photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/jjr512/MDStatePoliceMedevacs) I was aware that Microsoft had rolled out this "Live" concept which was supposed to be part search engine, part email client, part maps, part photo gallery, part this, part that, part other, and wholly a rip-off of Google's newer bloated form (and possibly of Yahoo as well, which I can't say for sure since I don't go to Yahoo at all).

Anyway, so I knew about this photo gallery feature, and I tried to use it to upload these photos. Going through Microsoft's own browser, you get the usual security warnings, and click here to install Active X control, etc. After forever with nothing happening, I eventually have to ctrl-alt-del to terminate IE7. I do this a few times. Then I see there's a way to download this photo upload and management tool and install it like a local program, so I do that. During this install process, at one point it gives me the message, "This is taking a bit longer than expected, please bear with us," then a little while later it something like, "This is going to take a while, why don't you go do something else while this finishes."

Eventually, that was finished, and of course that didn't work, either. I lost about two hours of my life trying to upload some photos to a Microsoft site through a Microsoft browser on Microsoft's OS before I gave up. Oh, and all that shit fucked up my computer so bad, that when I gave it the shut-down order, it took about a half hour for the desktop to disappear, another half hour for the screen to blank, and the computer itself never actually turned off.

This afternoon, I went to Google to find out what their photo gallery was like. Within ten minutes I had created an album and was uploading photos to it.

As relatively easy as the Google process was, I am now so turned off that I just want to buy a Mac, with which I believe iLife and .mac will let me do the same thing easier and faster. I've been a PC supporter for nearly two decades and I am tired of all the shit that doesn't work right, or work together, or work at all.
I would say to try Flickr but they are owned by Yahoo which will be owned my MS and you will be right back where you started.

I haven't even downloaded IE7 yet. With MS products, I always wait as long as possible till they get it semi-right.

I'm still running Windows 2000 at home. :lol:
WinXP with some tweaking is not that bad. I still don't like SP2, but I had to install it anyway because the support for WPA under SP1 really sucks.