Let the party begin

When he says the UN does not exist he obviously shouldn't be our diplomat involved with it.
No he's not.

Also, his nomination failed twice and Bush snuck him in on recess appointment. It's way past time to show Bush that he can't do whatever he wants.

Boot him.
He's there to further the Bush agenda, alienate our allies, and try and start a war with Iran. An agenda American have made clear they don't want.

More on his record

Why do you think he's doing a good job?

He also made false statements on forms put to the Senate and it wasn't just the dems that made his nomination fail twice.

If you're saying Bush was just playing politics by bypassing Congress then they should play politics and oust the guy.
That fairly well sums it up.

-Outraging developing countries, pushing his personal agenda, and destroying agreements

-Power grabbing instead of working for a strong institution capable of helping all

-Alienating nations with arrogance andinflammatory remarks

-Missing 34 of 35 meetings for the Human rights council

-Ignoring State Departments must have items

-Muddying policy on WMDs

-Promoting his personal views at the expense of US policy

-Undermining US efforts to find a peaceful solution with Iran to the point that Rice has to keep him out of negotiations and not even tell them they are happening.

You consider that a good job? We could pick a random person out of the phone book and have real good odds on getting a better person for the job.

No worries though. He'll be gone soon enough.
1)and the fragile agreement fell apart....stopping one more piece of international crap from taking over our life. Fragile agreements have a tendency to fall apart easily.

Bolton Effect: By pushing his own personal agenda and refusing to build consensus or find common ground, Bolton destroyed a fragile agreement that would have made the U.N. substantially more responsive and effective to the global problems of the 21st century.

2)“Why shouldn’t we pay for what we want, instead of paying a bill for what we get?”...reasonable.

Bolton Effect: This helped further the impression at the U.N. that Amb. Bolton and the U.S. were more focused on power-grabbing and cost-cutting than building a strong and effective institution capable of responding to the problems facing all nations.[/b]

3)he inaccurately called sexual abuse and exploitation by peacekeepers – a serious but limited problem that the U.N. must address – a "rampant practice." ...so the UN is downplaying serious problems...once again & they got called on it. Good.

Bolton Effect: Other nations viewed such statements as examples of U.S. arrogance and made it more difficult to achieve important reforms at the U.N.

4)In the end, the U.S. rejected the Human Rights Council on Bolton’s recommendation and was joined by only four countries. Peter Maurer, the ambassador of Switzerland, characterized the American approach as “intransigent and maximalist.” The Swiss understand us. WHy can't you?

Bolton Effect: Bolton has tried to appear as a champion of reform at the U.N., but his absence from crucial meetings and mixed signals on U.S. priorities led many to question the United States' commitment to retooling the U.N.

5)"I give them [India and Pakistan] credit – at least that what they did was consistent with the obligations they undertook. They never pretended that they had given up the pursuit of nuclear weapons. They never tried to tie what they were doing under a cloak of international legitimacy. They did it openly and they did it legitimately."...Say, where was he when India & Pakistan were developing WMDs? Oh, sorry, that was Bills watch.

Bolton Effect: At a moment when the U.S. position on Weapons of Mass Destruction should have been absolutely clear, Bolton muddied the waters, created confusion, and weakened our hand.

ah, hell, I'm bored with this. Can't the UN just pack thier bags, move to Paris & not invite us to tag along & muddy the water?
Whatever, if you think being a disruptive ass is doing a good job.

Can't the UN just pack thier bags, move to Paris & not invite us to tag along & muddy the water?

Luckily, Bolton's going to be the one packing his bags.
Good. Now we can get some weasel in there who realizes that if they do their job properly, there mught not be a need for them so endless negotiations can now resume.