Let the screaming commence


molṑn labé
Staff member
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court upheld the nationwide ban on a controversial abortion procedure Wednesday, handing abortion opponents the long-awaited victory they expected from a more conservative bench.

The 5-4 ruling said the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act that Congress passed and President Bush signed into law in 2003 does not violate a woman's constitutional right to an abortion.


Women are now returning to the back alley :rolleyes:

Women are now returning to the back alley :rolleyes:

Insignificant political posturing. They've banned something like .2% of abortions. Whoopee, aren't the right-to-lifers throwing a party now. :blank: The liberal/conservative pendulum has already begun to swing back the other way anyway.
More language choices would be nice... when I was in high school, I had my choice of Spanish.
More language choices would be nice... when I was in high school, I had my choice of Spanish.

Really? We had Spanish, French and German until I was a senior when they added an elective for Greek.

Yes, by the way, it was a public school.
We had Spanish, French & German.

The Ft Wayne schhols offer Spanish.

What a difference 20 years makes.
We had french and german in my highschool, some other schools had more options (larger schools). Public school btw
I am pro choice but I am glad that this form of abortion has been banned. If the woman chooses an abortion she needs to be smart enough to do it when it's a lima bean that is being removed, not when it's a baby that could possibly survive outside of her body...I don't agree with 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions...do it at the beginning or see the pregnancy through.
I don't actually know enough about partial-birth abortions to comment - at what stage of the foetus' development can severe abnormalities be diagnosed (that's what I assumed PB abortions were for??)?

German, French, Japanese. Public school. Latin as well.
BOP: According to my research they're often performed when they fetus is perfectly healthy...because distinguishing WHEN they're allowed is not really possible...all or nothing.

From what I read they partially birth the fetus in breach position so only the head is in the mother and then they kill the fetus (which by that point is one little tug by the doctor away from being a baby)...I don't understand why anyone would choose to do that to a healthy baby instead of just letting the doctor birth the baby and then giving it up for adoption...are people THAT selfish that they'd kill a 3rd trimester fetus just to not have fruits of their loin in the world? Disgusts me.
I am pro choice but I am glad that this form of abortion has been banned. If the woman chooses an abortion she needs to be smart enough to do it when it's a lima bean that is being removed, not when it's a baby that could possibly survive outside of her body...I don't agree with 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions...do it at the beginning or see the pregnancy through.
I agree.
Really? We had Spanish, French and German until I was a senior when they added an elective for Greek.

Yes, by the way, it was a public school.

Yep... I took Spanish 1 and Spanish 2... that satisfied the requirements of two years of foreign language to get into a CSU school. I promptly forgot 80 percent of the vocabulary. If I'd wanted to stick with it, I could have taken Spanish 3... if I'd started with it my freshman year instead of my sophomore year, I also could have taken Spanish 4, which was also AP spanish. Those were the four foreign language classes offered at my school (class of 1999).