Let them eat cake


molṑn labé
Staff member
Damn it's gonna be a boring couple of years as Billary gets her warmachine warmed up. Until then we can only reminisce to this failed group & laugh.

Mrs Kerry said:
"Clothing is wonderful, but let them go naked for a while, at least the kids," said Heinz Kerry, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. "Water is necessary, and then generators, and then food, and then clothes."
I think that she really could've said it much better...

Yes...getting the power back and drinkable water and food is far more important than getting more clothes to them. Clothes can dry out and still be useable...you can't dry out food and reuse it.
freako104 said:
no. but it would be easier because the pants would then be more accessible.
yeah you could swipe them out of the fallen trees, scattered thru-0ut flooded land, . . . but where's thwe sport in that!

Clothing is essential for safty in a strom ravaged area, we have more then the abilty to provide both as needed. TurEEza is just whinning about things because she's an idiot and doesn't really have a clue about the real world.

She could pay for several air drops of what ever she want to drop be it water or ketchup.
Speaking of flooding, my basement's wet. This thing has some fucking juice to it still, and I'm in ATL. Anyone heard anything from Sharky? He was pretty much at point blank.
HomeLAN said:
Speaking of flooding, my basement's wet. This thing has some fucking juice to it still, and I'm in ATL. Anyone heard anything from Sharky? He was pretty much at point blank.

How much flooding was in your area? I was worried about Mare too. and some friends I have down there.
Flooding was pretty widespread. Too much water in too short a time. That's really about the worst of it, though.