Lets compare


molṑn labé
Staff member
Senator McCain & his Gang of 8 (13?) has completely lost his mind. He's under the impression that terrorists deserve to be handled under the auspices of the Geneva Convention.

He also wants them to be afforded the right every American has, namely, to be tried before an open court (the same court that allows OJ to look for the real killer on some golf courses?), allowing evidence to be brought out in the open. That evidence could violate international agreements to avoid naming nation/states that assist in the war on terror, naming witnesses or informants who assist in the capture od said terrorists or other classified information.

He believes that our using these methods would guarantee the safety of our GIs, when captured.

So let's review.

American Torture:
brutal shot of Americans doing their worst

The enemy:
Link to photos we don't need here

CAIRO, Egypt — An Al Qaeda-linked group posted a Web video Saturday purporting to show the bodies of two American soldiers being dragged behind a truck, then set on fire in apparent retaliation for the alleged rape-slaying of a young Iraqi woman by U.S. troops from the same unit.

The Mujahedeen Shura Council — an umbrella organization of insurgent groups, including Al Qaeda in Iraq — posted a previous video in June showing the soldiers' mutilated bodies, and claiming it killed them. It was not clear whether Saturday's video was a continuation of that footage, or why it was released.

The new footage came hours after the posting of another Al Qaeda video, an apparent re-release of a tape showing the execution of a Turkish hostage — by the man purported to be the new leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq.

The images would be the first of Abu Ayyub al-Masri to be released since the group announced that he had succeeded Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was killed by a U.S. airstrike in Iraq on June 7.

Both videos appeared just as Sunni Arabs in Iraq began Ramadan, the Islamic holy month. U.S. officials have warned that attacks could intensify during Ramadan.


Since terrorists fall under the Enemy Combatants definition & are are not covered by the same rights & privleges as men & women in uniform, what the hell is McCain thinking? Khalid Sheikh Mohammed thanks you.
The terrorists lost any rights during any action of terror..

They desrve to be slapped around while being dragged to the intorogation room for the dose of truth serum...