Let's declare stupidity a crime already

I pick them up for good luck if it's face-up. If the penny's face-down, though, I leave it. That's not good luck.
What do you do if you drop your wallet in San Francisco?

Kick the SoB all the way to Oakland... :lloyd:
Gonz said:
Pennies, while a common source of irritation, are, no matter how you cut it, still money. A hundred of the little devils is a buck. Since taxes make us get so much change back for our spending habits, collecting a few thousand pennies & "turning them in" can result in a nice bank deposit increase & posssibly, during one of those off weeks, can buy dinner for a night or two.

You know, of course, that you don't have to take more than 100 (I think it's 100, I could have that figure wrong) as payment for anything?
chcr said:
You know, of course, that you don't have to take more than 100 (I think it's 100, I could have that figure wrong) as payment for anything?

Did you also know that refusing to take them allows a person to get whatever he's trying to pay for free? ;) It's called, I believe, refusing payment...
chcr said:
No, I didn't. I thought you could be made to pay in other currency. :shrug:

Suppose all you had were rolls of pennies. Puts a whole new spin on it, doesn't it? Legal tender is legal tender. I, personally, wouldn't want to carry that many pennies around, but that's just me... :D
Paying with pennies is a time honored tradition for protest. Yet, good or bad, they are legal tender & must be accepted. Of course, retail establishments with laugh you out of the store.
as long as the pennies are pre-rolled there isn't really any room for complaint and besides most restaurants/gas stations have a high turn over of change and are almost glad to have the rolls.
Gonz said:
Paying with pennies is a time honored tradition for protest. Yet, good or bad, they are legal tender & must be accepted. Of course, retail establishments with laugh you out of the store.

And if they do, you can take whatever you were buying right with you. They can try to have you prosecuted, but, then, it'll be your turn to laugh. You offered payment, and they refused. :shrug:
LYNDHURST, Ohio (AP) — A retiree turned in more than 1 million pennies at a coin-counting machine Tuesday, getting $10,480.13 back for 3½ decades of thrift.

Over the years, Eugene Sukie, 78, of Barberton, a retired glass plant supervisor, rolled the pennies in wrappers and stored them in 575 cigar boxes organized by year and mint.

The pennies, weighing 3½ tons, were trucked from Sukie's home to a coins-to-cash machine at a suburban Cleveland supermarket.

Sukie was worried that he and his wife were getting old and eventually wouldn't be able to get the pennies out of their basement.

Collecting the pennies helped him relax, Sukie said.

"In the evenings, I'd go into the basement and count them. It was relaxing for me," he said.

Coinstar Inc. (search) of Bellevue, Wash., which operates coin-counting machines, charged Sukie an 8.9 percent service charge, or $932.73, and paid him $1,500 for the right to tell his story, Coinstar spokeswoman Yvette Batalla said. Sukie pocketed more than $11,000.

Who said pennies aren't legal tender? :D
Gato_Solo said:
And if they do, you can take whatever you were buying right with you. They can try to have you prosecuted, but, then, it'll be your turn to laugh. You offered payment, and they refused. :shrug:

If no service has been rendered and a refusal to sell has occured...nope. Can't have it. That is some variation of larceny. However, if you have legally removed the item from the store (credit deal that is later denied) & they refuse pennies, they lose.
Gonz said:
If no service has been rendered and a refusal to sell has occured...nope. Can't have it. That is some variation of larceny. However, if you have legally removed the item from the store (credit deal that is later denied) & they refuse pennies, they lose.

Possible, but, if they don't have anything posted you can always tell the judge they refused your payment, and sue them for wrongful prosecution (we need more lawsuits, right? :grinyes: )