Let's get this straight


molṑn labé
Staff member
If you're looting historical trinkets from Iraqi museums after decades of a brutal dictatorship you should be shot on sight. If you're looting $6000. Plasma TVs from Best Buy the police look away.

How about, if you aren't carrying peanut butter & bread (or a reasonable facsimile), you'll be shot on sight.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I'm for it.

But heaven forbid we racially profile the looters...

:confuse2: I saw all races participating in the illegal grab on FoxNews. They even interviewed a caucasian gentleman stealing electronics.
unclehobart said:
Looters should be shot on sight for anything other than food and water.

Nope. Once the government starts handing out food and water, stay at the shelters, or get leaded.
At that point, sure... all for it. We can even make it easy. Just put claymores inside each store. That way you wont have to have as many troops stationed around the area. If someone wants to sneak into a store at night... wham-o. Justice is served extra crispy.
This is America. We have extra-large claymores with a diet coke
Yes, I know the point. The sheep are stampeeding. I've been talking about it for nearly a decade.
Now from what I've heard, New Oreleans might have 'em a dike or three. But said dikes would have to be willing to stand still first, right?
Well, if He takes a jaunt through Mississippi, where muddy water turns to wine, THIS time, we gonna have us a buttload of drunks here d'reckly...