Let's get this straight

"I think we're finally seeing the response," she said, adding that she hoped the remainder of New Orleans hospital patients would also be evacuated Friday.

"We have to get order so that we can proceed with the orderly progression, with getting people out of there, and that is our first order of the day," she said.

On Thursday she warned lawbreakers that extra troops had arrived in the city -- with more on the way.

"These are some of the 40,000 extra troops that I have demanded," Blanco said. "They have M-16s, and they're locked and loaded ... I have one message for these hoodlums: These troops know how to shoot and kill, and they are more than willing to do so if necessary, and I expect they will." (See video on the military response -- 2:40)

She told CNN Friday that "anybody needs to get food and water wherever they can find it," she said. "I'm not talking about people who are trying to get survival items. I'm talking about people who are threatening other people."


It's about fucking time. I know the conditions and logistics on this suck, and it ain't easy to put troops past shattered bridges, but shit. This is too damned long.
Airborne? Air Cav? Theres 10 different ways to do emergency deployments to restore order. Apparently running around like a headless chicken was the favored response.
Hmmm...Lots of activity here going to Fort Bragg and Pope AFB...C-17's set up for passengers only, and 4 pallets of gear in airdrop configuration. Wonder what that's about. :devious:
There was a squadron of 5 helos that passed over a few mins ago.
That's unusual. There's almost always just 1 or 2, and only periodically 3.
unclehobart said:
Jesus just left New Orleans.. and he's headed back up to Chicago.

Good, I missed him last time he was here...

Why can't we help? All FEMA allows Chicago to send to help is one lousy truck when we've got a whole fleet ready to go (lots of plows would be good to at least help clear the roads, we've got thousands doing nothing but rusting until it snows, just for starters) and Daley was ready to send them even before the hurricane hit.

In the event of a disaster, the city offered to send 44 Chicago Fire Department rescue and medical personnel and their gear, more than 100 Chicago police officers, 140 Streets and Sanitation, 146 Public Health and 8 Human Services workers, and a fleet of vehicles including 29 trucks, two boats and a mobile clinic.

Chicago Tribune

We've taken some refugees that United flew here from NO and are doing all kinds of fundraising, but we can certainly do more if FEMA would only let us. How the hell can they in good conscience turn us down?
SL, if you didn't live there, would you really want the Chicago road crews anywhere near what you really need done correctly? :D
Professur said:
Ah. But .... won't the explosion destroy most of what you're trying to protect?
Actually claymores are directional mines.

Since most of the windows are already blown out, you could set one of these puppies up 10 feet inside the store, with a trip wire at the entrance. Anyone goes in, BOOM. Of course theres some backblast back in the store, but then again, I'd rather blow it all up that to let them have it.