libyan resistance starts drafting documents

Ka-daffy is really shootin' em down in the streets

OK well since the wife is at 138 I'm 148 and the kid always
tested in the mid 170's I can get behind that idea.

but and there's always a but

who's gonna be left too shop at Wal-Mart eat McDonald's
and take drugs?
new development with air strikes now hitting oil facilities.
IMO we need to crater the runways Now, and hit some of the machinery,
like the choppers...
I'd settle for just removing the nanny state protections and let Darwin handle the problem.

Cato, there is an entire series of issues that have be dealt with for any action. Air defenses systems etc would all need to be taken out, and air superiority established in the process.
meh, the rebels are seemingly taking enough ground that I think a
good 'setback' on the regime side would do it.

As far as the rhetoric in the region it would cause....That part is going to happen either way.
Might as well give um something real to talk about.'s costing money to have that carrier sitting off the coast.
Might as well have something to show for it.
The carrier cost no matter where it is. -- Just for fun I'd like to see what a half-dozen cruise missiles and a squadron of Raptors could do in an hour.

I think that might be enough to change the dynamics.
yeah, I figure it'd be a good training mission, and actually take care of some business in the process.
IMO we need to crater the runways Now, and hit some of the machinery,
like the choppers...

This particular situation is a fun one.

Does the United States use it's military might to interfere in the purely internal conflict or do we avoid said nation to work out its own problems? Damned if we do & damned if we don't.

Talk about a custom built UN situation.
you'd think NATO would jump on this quick, considering the Scotts released a terrorist for some of that oil.
This particular situation is a fun one.

Does the United States use it's military might to interfere in the purely internal conflict or do we avoid said nation to work out its own problems? Damned if we do & damned if we don't.

Talk about a custom built UN situation.

great. perhaps the UN will send observers or something similarly limp.