Life in a rural town

I love the 'comments section'
This lady obviously tends to flounder around from restaurant to restaurant looking for free food! Maybe she needs to hook up with a real lineman such as Bill Dance and catch some dinner. Instead of having fans this lady may have some groupers! Instead of the phrase" You Had me at Hello!" this lady might say" I had restaurant staff at hook, line, and sinker!" A laugh a day may keep a crappie, er fish,away! George Taylor III

I am soooooo tempted to go to this restaurant and ask for a catfish dinner to go, and then tell 'em I brought my own bag...
Chances are, you wouldn't be the first since this story came out.
Think that they'll offer to tenderize it for ya? :trout:
Ya know, if the catfish in question is such that it makes a suitable projectile, I'm not real sure I'd want to try and eat it.
It seems I had roadkilled catfish when we were there

No, we were 35-40 miles from this place.

Despite having grown up in this town, which I swear has precisely one traffic light, and which boasts a grand total of three dining establishments now that the new one opened up, I have never eaten at this one. I suddenly feel better about being able to say that too.
If you took I-81, the exit you took before (23), but instead of going toward Greeneville as you did, go the other way. You'd drive about 5 miles and cross into Hawkins County. Another 2 miles or so would bring you to the one and only traffic light in scenic, historic and beautiful downtown Bulls Gap, TN (saaaaa-lute!). On that very corner one would discover the scene of the crime.