
Gonz said:
LL said:
I don't consider other humans food.

So, when your wife says eat me, is that a good thing or a bad thing? :D
In that case I will make an exception :D Lets see, I can "eat" breast milk (I think), woman's um, juices down there, cum, and spit. Thats it. Now stop being so literal. :D

You know, that description... I think you're taking things a little seriously... I take it you don't exactly approve of my style of life.. mhh, it works for me.
Life as in biology starts at the time of fertilization.
Life as in a psychological way......starts when you complete some nice list: sex, drunk, driving, working to get money, and others.

LastLegionary said:
Puter, so if live beings at a certain state, then of course at a certain state abortion has to be considered murder right? When is that? Its awfully hazy right now the way you explain it... And haziness isn't something I think should be there when we are talking about murdering innocent children.

I have a link that clearly sums up why I'm against abortion. If anyone wants it, PM me ok?

The way I explain it is, if a child can live on it's own, it is alive. As Gaunt said in his first post, this is not a discussion about abortion, simply when a child is alive. From what I've found about 23 weeks into the gestation period is about the earliest that a child has been born and survived, Although, serious disabilities can occur at that age. Read an interesting article about that here.

That is all I'm going to get into here, as you obviously don't agree with me about the abortion issue. I'm not going to change my mind, and I certainly don't expect to change yours.
Luis G said:
Life as in biology starts at the time of fertilization.
Life as in a psychological way......starts when you complete some nice list: sex, drunk, driving, working to get money, and others.


OK, did you mean getting drun kand driving as two seperate events or did you mean "drunk driving"?
It's very interesting that so many of you have such definite answers and sound so bloody sure of yourself...when the meaning of the word 'life' hasn't even been defined for us to have a discussion in the first place.
Luis is the only one who tried to differentiate between notions of the word 'life'. And Spot, the only one to enquire into the real meaning of these vague concepts that we love to throw around, like 'soul'.

People end up in futile arguments because they are not actually thinking and speaking from the exact same base ideas. Everyone's got their own interpretations of terms like 'life' and 'self-consciousness'. Doesn't seem to bother a lot of you though, so just plough on in there with what you know is right...
The world does not exist in black and white... shades of grey are a part of nature.

Sometimes, attempting to draw lines is a futile attempt simply because there is no one place a division can be made.

Very similar to the question of "when does a new species begin?" Carving nature at her joints is impossible sometimes simply because she has no joints.
Nixy said:
OK, did you mean getting drun kand driving as two seperate events or did you mean "drunk driving"?

Separate events (notice the comma). Although.....drunk driving is part of the full experience :D :D