Light the lamp with what?


Staff member
Avery was asking me tonight about what games and websites we used on the internet when we were in school.


After informing him that there was no internet then, Paul and I made him listen to us reminisce about the games we did have. That'll learn him.

Anyway, besides the text-based SimCity I remember, the one I remember with the most nostalgia but the least details was a text-based adventure game. You walked around doing "stuff" and telling the computer where to go and what to do. I think there were dragons and stuff. It would ask "light the lamp with what?" and "use what to pick it up", till you got mad and swore at it, after which it would say "I don't know how to ***" or cite you for your language.

Anyone know what it was called? I'd love to play it again.
I used to type in the blue screen on my commodore 64, I thought that was pretty cool, haha.
"Programming" the piano program on the Vic20 was pretty cool.


10 Print "hahahahahahahahahahahahaha'
20 GOTO 10

was pretty cool. :lloyd:
That is way similar, but I am pretty sure it's not it. It's too advanced! lol.

I don't remember any graphics at all. Just text.
Mine was a pixelated green and white graphic game and there were places you could go....I remember something about not letting the goats out of the pen and a key up a tree.
I'm sure mine was entirely text. I guess we weren't able to get all them high tech graphics up here back then. :lloyd:
You ARE young... I didn't even have access to a mac until the 7th grade... before then it was the Apple IIe and the IIgs.
I remember playing Tetris on an old B&W Mac. Can't remember the model number, but it was one box, including the monitor... had a handle on the top to for easy transportation... I wonder if it is still up in the attic...