Like I said; you can't build alternative energy because the greens won't let you

Now here is a thought....

Why don't they make floating solar/wind pontoons for the coastline? Does that not save land space? I'm sure they could do it in nice places like California. Not such a good idea in the southeast, though, but I am sure there are places in the northeast.
I want my m-personal solar plan. (that's more acceptable than the first/current outrageous proposal)
Now here is a thought....

Why don't they make floating solar/wind pontoons for the coastline? Does that not save land space? I'm sure they could do it in nice places like California. Not such a good idea in the southeast, though, but I am sure there are places in the northeast.

For the same reason they won't allow drilling & Ted Kennedy & the family said no to wind-turbines off one of the windiest coasts in the great NE...NIMBY. It ruins the aesthetics and we all knmow that's more importtant.
I have a feeling it would go over about as well as building more offshore oil platforms would.
Well we could just put solar panels on the moon then! Maybe there are some endangered species of rocks to worry about? I guess the wiring might present problems....
Well we could just put solar panels on the moon then! Maybe there are some endangered species of rocks to worry about? I guess the wiring might present problems....

'problem with the moon idea is you have to put receiving stations all over the world, so you gotta think global on that one.
There was a good idea in Sim City 2000: a microwave energy power plant. Launch a satellite, collect solar energy and beam it to a giant dish on the ground.

The only problem is every now and then, the solar beam would miss the target and accidentally blow up some random building. Oops.
I have a feeling it would go over about as well as building more offshore oil platforms would.

there's some fairly profound differences.

people think of oil spills. the wind isn't so, um, "leaky" in the popular mind.

oil is non-renewable and it is part of an outgoing technical/economic/industrial complex.

oil has historically been a reason for us to be involved in shitty, messy geopolitical/military stuff.
I don't think the opposition to offshore drilling really has much to do with oil being non-renewable. People do think of oil spills (Summerland/Santa Barbara is an hour and a half down the freeway from me so I'm familiar with what happened there in 1969). But I think it's the changes to the view of the ocean that will generate the bitching, especially since there are some very rich and influential people that would be doing the bitching. I personally think the oil platforms at night are an impressive sight, but I'm just weird like that. I can see a lot of people bitching, whining and moaning about these windmills on the ocean ruining their views. Plus, you'd have to run cables from the platforms to the substation on shore, and then you'd have to run a high-voltage line away from the substation to plug into the rest of the Pacific Intertie, and proposals to run transmission lines through populated areas always get a lot of protests.
Sure you can, I've seen a few giant wind farms built.
West Texas... there are miles and miles of wind farms there.

If California will not use their own land (or sea) for green energy, then they will continue to pay high prices for energy. Simple. You reap what you sow. I have no sympathy for them.
I don't think the opposition to offshore drilling really has much to do with oil being non-renewable.

sure it does. that makes oil just one more step closer to being satan incarnate to the enviro-wimps.

yeah, they'll bitch about changes to the ocean and all, but not as much with wind. they can't blame texas for wind.

Now here is a thought....

Why don't they make floating solar/wind pontoons for the coastline? Does that not save land space? I'm sure they could do it in nice places like California. Not such a good idea in the southeast, though, but I am sure there are places in the northeast.

The Kennedys and Kerrys would be against it. Oh, wait, they are already against it and have fought every effort to place windmills off of Martha's Vineyard.
If California will not use their own land (or sea) for green energy, then they will continue to pay high prices for energy. Simple. You reap what you sow. I have no sympathy for them.

Califonia is where I've seen the giant wind farms ;)

Walked right within about 10 feet of one of the windmills to check it out. Desert Hot Springs area. I love it there Plam Springs is about 20 minutes away and Joshua Tree. Nice.
The Kennedys and Kerrys would be against it. Oh, wait, they are already against it and have fought every effort to place windmills off of Martha's Vineyard.

Gotta agree with Jim, they didn't want to ruin their view.

Some people who talk green are only green if it is not in their backyard.

If you want green it is gonna have to be forced down peoples throats, rich and poor alike.
Califonia is where I've seen the giant wind farms ;)

Walked right within about 10 feet of one of the windmills to check it out. Desert Hot Springs area. I love it there Plam Springs is about 20 minutes away and Joshua Tree. Nice.
You missed this part...
"West Texas... there are miles and miles of wind farms there. "
Just before my statement about California. I didn't know they had any wind farms in California, but that's good to know. I'm glad they are pushing renewable energy there, they need it.
The three main wind farms in California are the Altamont Pass, Tehachapi Pass and San Gorgonio Pass farms.

California actually got started on wind power earlier, going back to the early 1980s, although Texas surged ahead after the turn of the century.

I've driven past the Tehachapi wind farm many, many times and I'm not old enough to know what that pass looks like without the turbines.

I think spike thought you were saying that he saw the wind farms in Texas.
The tubines you can see from the road are seldomly running. Hopefully, the hidden from view ones are cranking out big time power but I doubt it.