Little Monica is growing up...


New Member
Yeah, I have a boyfriend now...a college boyfriend. It's exciting. Eagles fan, though.


There he be.
So you're going out with a dork that a: can't figure out the timer on his camera b: can't frame a shot to same his life and c: can't even trim a photo to make it look upright. And to top it off, can't dress himself without help. Who usually tucks his shirt in for him?
It's college, Prof. As I recall, I couldn't fall off a fucking cliff properly without help at that age.
Well, he comes from Bel Air, which means a little bit of money. So he's one of those guys that wears button downs and least he doesn't pop the collar. I HATE popped collars.
Well there we go then. We line up all the college students and have them try to fall off. The ones that need help, we know, will more likely turn out better, and should be scraped up carefully.

Fleur, find that boy a cliff, and let us know how he does.
FluerVanderloo said:
Will do :)

Would it help if I told you he's a comp sci major?

Not really. I was one too, and I turned out a total prick. Frankly, I wouldn't let any girl I know date me.
Give the girl a chance to get excited about him :p

Congrats on getting a college bf, just try to enjoy it.
Not bad, I guess. He's been pulling A's and B's on quizzes and stuff so far I think. His mom's pretty tough on him with grades from what I'm told.

So far, he has been the anti-prick.
HomeLAN said:
It's college, Prof. As I recall, I couldn't fall off a fucking cliff properly without help at that age.
You were an underachiever. All I needed was more beer and I could do anything.:lol:
Whoa, he is dreamy. :love:

Seriously, that's exactly the type of guy I was always attracted to. Damn, he's cute. The next photo you get of the two of you together, post it here. We need the new hair/new boyfriend shot.