Lockerbie Bomber

Damn, Cerise will even blame the actions of other countries on Obama. :rolleyes:

I think the interesting part of this story is whether this guys was guilty in the first place.
C'mon, be reasonable. Obama & Mrs Bill knew he was to be released & said nothing & acted surprised when it was made official & the outcry started. Nobody is suggesting we go to war with the UK. What is being suggested is that Obama & Mrs Bill are pussy coward politicians.
I suppose you would prefer Obama to send troops to Scotland to prevent the release rather than express disapproval of the release of the bomber. :rolleyes:


0bama and Hillary knew he was going to be released in August. They were in fact consulted prior to it happening.

The two-faced liars only spoke up when the public backlash started.

Hey, guess what? Scotland is NOT a territory or state of the USA. The US government has no authority over Scotland nor the UK. What the UK decides is completely separate from the decisions and preferences of the USA.

What does your statement have to do with fact that 0bama and minions have once again been exposed -- this time front & center on an international stage -- as the bald faced lying sacks of crap that they truly are.

You should be questioning their hypocrisy in the treatment of this issue rather than to try and detract from it.

Weakness and capitulation, the hallmarks of the 0bama admin.

You're retarded, aren't you. Sorry I didn't catch this earlier.

Obama and H. Clinton didn't release the Lockerbie bomber. :rolleyes:

Yes, but like everything else the neocons don't approve of it's all their fault (the commie bastards). :grinyes:

BTW, the release of the Lockerbie bomber was strictly a cash and carry deal. Clearly. Wake the fuck up, people. Anything can be forgiven or forgotten for enough money.

Is this proof that libruls can't keep their facts straight?

Surely somewhere in this thread it was said that "0bummer and Shrillery released the Lockerbie bomber." :shrug:
Yes, but like everything else the neocons don't approve of it's all their fault (the commie bastards). :grinyes:

BTW, the release of the Lockerbie bomber was strictly a cash and carry deal. Clearly. Wake the fuck up, people. Anything can be forgiven or forgotten for enough money.

Oh RED ALERT he said NEOCON! Oh WAIt SHE SAYS LIBRULs all the time?!? Standards sure are different according to political stripe around here.
Oh RED ALERT he said NEOCON! Oh WAIt SHE SAYS LIBRULs all the time?!? Standards sure are different according to political stripe around here.

I call them neocons because calling them conservatives would be disrespectful to good Americans like Nelson Rockefeller and Ronald Reagan.
Oh RED ALERT he said NEOCON! Oh WAIt SHE SAYS LIBRULs all the time?!? Standards sure are different according to political stripe around here.

Neocon is in the dictionary:
moderate political conservatism espoused or advocated by former liberals or socialists.

Librul is just a misspelled word. :shrug:
At one point we were told "neocon" was a personal attack, or at least not to use that word.

I am not a liberal, but I take offense at the fact that you have to go to every length to belittle anyone who disagrees with you. I am just gonna call you cons. Y'all usually are un-convicted should be convicts!
At one point we were told "neocon" was a personal attack, or at least not to use that word.

Back that up, holmes. And be prepared to receive the unaffiliated "HE's" wrath. :shrug:

I am not a liberal, but I take offense at the fact that you have to go to every length to belittle anyone who disagrees with you. I am just gonna call you cons. Y'all usually are un-convicted should be convicts!

Belittle???? Please. :rolleyes:

All this blah-de-blah about how you are not librul. Jus' face the facts, jackass. It's not anything you should be ashamed of.......Or is it????

Back that up, holmes. And be prepared to receive the unaffiliated "HE's" wrath. :shrug:

Belittle???? Please. :rolleyes:

All this blah-de-blah about how you are not librul. Jus' face the facts, jackass. It's not anything you should be ashamed of.......Or is it????


Anyone to the left of you by 2 degrees is a liberal to you. I am a centrist. Gonz thinks I'm blowing in the breeze, but that is idiotic. I hold many position on the right and left and some in the middle. I am for solutions that work, not buying into an ideology. Currently the demorats have my favor, because of healh care and not fear mongering about foreign policy, give it time and I could start favoring Repugnicants.

It makes my stomach turn though to know the demorats have the vast majority of attorneys on their side.