Logic v. Common Sense


Staff member
There's this gimmicky restaurant on my way to work. Every week they have a new fortune-cookie-esque saying on their board outside.

A couple of weeks ago, it said "Logic is one thing. Common sense is another.".

I've been finding that kind of a head scratcher. Are they the same? Are they different?

Logic must partake in common sense but the reverse in not true.
There is no "common" sense. It's an oxymoron. If it were common there'd be a lot more of it.

Logic us a useful, deductive tool as long as you understand that any error in a chain of deductions will leave the subsequent deductions incorrect. I completely fail to understand the seemingly popular distrust of logic.

"Uncommon" sense is ascribed to many, disparate things but largely implies being able to separate the wheat from the chaff.
You can extrapolate with logic (If A then B and then C)... common sense is more like 'now this' wait for something to happen "now this'.
the difference between theory and practice.

In theory they are the same.

In practice they are not.
common sense it what tells you jumping off something is gonna hurt before you find out by experience.
To be fair logic could tell you that too and common sense is often based on experience.