lol @ the 9th circuit


molṑn labé
Staff member
We were founded by gun-toting, war-making old whilte guys. If it doesn't guarantee individuals rights, what did they mean?

Friday, December 06, 2002 AP[/siz]

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court, upholding California's assault-weapons ban, decided that the Second Amendment does not guarantee individuals the right to bear arms.,2933,72371,00.html
That's a Federal Appeals court, it can still go to the big boys then, right?
Here is the gist of the ruling

"What the drafters of the amendment thought 'necessary to the security of a free state' was not an 'unregulated' mob of armed individuals such as Shay's band of farmers, the modern-day privately organized Michigan Militia, the type of extremist 'militia' associated with Timothy McVeigh and other militants with similar anti-government views, groups of white supremacists or other racial or religious bigots, or indeed any other private collection of individuals," Reinhardt wrote. "To the contrary, 'well-regulated' confirms that 'militia' can only reasonably be construed as referring to a military force established and controlled by a governmental entity." The judge acknowledged that it might be difficult for some people to understand this given that states no longer have militias like those in the 18th century that fought in the Revolutionary War — before the federal government created a standing army.

Ok, so if we need a well regulated militia & there is no standing army, exactly who the hell is supoosed to bear arms? :rofl:
That always puzzled me how they can interpret the 2nd to confer rights to the states and government and not the individual when the other 9 do so. The Bill of Rights was a charter reinforcing the rights and protections upon the individual level.
If they would just read the Federalist Papers, they would see exactly what they meant by the 2A. It's funny how they think "A well regulated militia..." means the Nation Guard. The National Guard did not come about until 1917. The 2A was ratified in 1791!
since the 2A was passed in 1791 maybe it gives us all the right to own flintlock muskets and bayonets