Long awaited photos


Southern Discomfort
So Prof will quit (some of) his bitchin.

Haven't been able to find most of the house pics yet, but hey, this is a start at least.

First, my recently departed bestest ever friend, Elvis. Doing what he did best...being as flat and motionless as possible. RIP Elvis...I miss you every day buddy.
Next, allow me to introduce ourselves. A couple of shots of my lovely wife AllEars' and myself. These were taken along my favorite trout fishin creek last summer. (I'm the ugly one with the flag on his hat and shirt...)

If whoever it is around here who does that sort of thing would be so kind as to crop this and add mine to the photo gallery I'd be right grateful.
And finally, I couldn't resist adding these shots of the fall colors we get around here. I took these on Greene Mountain, less than a mile from our house. It is accessible via US Forestry Service road, and just as soon as these damn docs free me from the shackles of pain misery and suffering I'm hikin' this SOB.

Edit: Upon further examination, the two pics with road visible were taken near Hickey Falls in North Carolina. I have hiked that SOB...
I can crop the pic tomorrow if noone does it before (I'm not 100% well today so my focusing ability is off).
Happy to meet you face-to-face. :)

And I love that front porch view. Totally awesome.
And I bet it is breath-taking in the fall.
Right on. It's good to put a face to SnP. Nice pictures, Elvis looks like a great dog, sorry for the loss.

All the outdoors pictures could easily pass for Nova Scotia or New Brunswick, Canada in the fall except for the confederate flags, you don't see too many of them up here ;)

Just submit this to the address in the photogallery thread in the lobby and bink will take care of getting it approved for ya (I stopped getting notifications for some reason). :)